"I Want..."

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Liam- "I want us to just be happy again." You say quietly, wiping the tears from your eyes to prevent you from looking back into his. It's another fight between you and Liam, hurtful words and broken objects have led you both to be seated as far from each other as possible in your tiny hotel room. Neither of you care about the vase Liam broke by throwing at the wall, he's already paid for it when he walked out an hour ago. "I don't know if we can be anymore, we keep trying to be happy for everyone around us but it's just making us more miserable together." He confesses, ignoring your eyes as they immediately look to him. "Well what does that mean for us? Are we just going to break up and let everyone around us win?" You ask, standing up and walking closer to him on the bed he's laying on. "And this-" you say motioning to the two beds in your room,- "What does this say about us as a couple? We're staying at a hotel and we get a room with two beds, happy couples don't do this. We never did this before, we used to stay cuddled up together even on your tiny tour bus bed, and now we can't even share a queen sized hotel bed. We let everything effect our relationship, and I guess they won. They won because I can't do this anymore, I can't just sit and watch our fights get worse and worse until we hate each other beyond repair. I'll go to the hotel down the street and get a flight home tomorrow, and maybe when you're done touring the world we can try at us again." You say, walking away from this relationship, grabbing your two suitcases that still haven't been unpacked as you walk out of the room, leaving Liam left alone with his thoughts.

Niall- "I want us to have a baby." He murmurs in your ear as you lie in bed, he's just gotten home after going to a bar with the boys. He's pretty drunk, so you're not sure if he's being serious. "Mm, well we can talk about that in the morning, babe." You tell him, rolling around in his arms so you're facing him. "Nooo, I want to talk about it now." He pouts, sitting up in bed and turns on the lamp on the bedside table. "Come on Niall, let's just go to bed and talk about it in the morni-" "I think we should have a boy." He cuts you off in a murmur, playing with his fingers as he talks. "'Cause then when we have a girl he can be all protective of her, I'm gonna be protective of her too, of course I'll be protective of my princess." He smiles, looking to you. "I thought I was your princess?" You say, jokingly offended. "You are! Right now you are, but when we have our daughter we should be married, 'cause then she'll have married parents, and when we're married you'll be my queen and our daughter will be my princess." He says. "Will our son be your prince?" You ask, feeding into the idea of having kids. "Of course, and we'll get a bigger house because royalty needs a castle." He smiles at you. "Well you have our whole future planned out, don't you Ni?" You cuddle against him, getting him back in a laying position. "Well sure I do, I need to take care of you and kids, babe." He sighs, shutting the light off and holding you in his arms. "We can talk more about this tomorrow..."You murmur, both you and Niall drifting off.

Harry- "I want us to get married." He tells you over dinner. "Well lucky for you, we'll be getting married in a weeks time." You smile at him briefly before looking at the glistening diamond on your ring finger. "But I want to get married now, (Y/N)." He sighs, moving his food around on his plate. "All you've got to do is wait a week, Harry. I want us to be married too, I want us to be married so badly, but a week isn't that long. Hell, I only waited five years for you to ask me to marry you in the first place." You laugh, looking at the small smile playing at Harry's lips across the table from you. "Sorry it took me so long, I just had to make sure it was the perfect timing and place. I couldn't ask too soon because I didn't want you thinking I was desperate, But if I waited a day longer I feel like you'd be out the door." He chuckles, remembering all the not so subtle hints you dropped on how you wanted to marry him. "No, I wouldn't have left you if you didn't propose, I don't think I'd ever walk away from you, Harry." You tell him, reaching for his hand across the small table separating you two. "You're so perfect for me." You hear him mumble as he looks at your entwined hands. "Okay, I guess I can wait a week. But no longer, I couldn't handle it." He smiles, moving his gaze up to you. "I promise you won't have to wait longer than a week, the invitations all have next Saturday written on them." You laugh.

Zayn- "I want you to admit it." You mumble from across the room, knowing he won't be able to hear you but hoping he will anyways. "What was that?" His head turns as soon as you speak. You've been told all the rumors, even Harry has told you that Zayn had some type of affair while he was on tour. "I want you to admit to it." You say louder, wanting him to hear you and feel the pain laced in your voice caused by the news brought to you about him. "Admit to what? You think you know what already happened and won't even listen to a damn word I say, so what's the point in me trying to explain it to you?" He says, getting angrier with each word. "You have no right to be getting angry with me, Zayn! Even your best friend Harry has told me that you fucking cheated while you guys were in Spain, you can't try to hide it anymore! I'm giving you tonight, and after this if you haven't told me what you've done, then I'm gone." You hiss, standing from your couch and going upstairs to your bedroom. "Wait, okay... I'll tell you what I did." Zayn mumbles, stopping you from going upstairs. (A/N: I lost inspiration and I am ending this preference here, maybe part two for Zayn at some point idk.)

Louis- "I want to stay up all night and jump around until we see the sun." You laugh, dancing around your hotel room and looking at your boyfriend who's shaking his head at you. "Love, stop." He laughs. "We're going to get a noise complaint again, let's just keep it down. You can plug in headphones and listen to all of my band's albums if you want, just stop blurting the lyrics. I don't want to get kicked out of this hotel, it's quite nice." He gets out of the bed, walking to you and grabbing you making you squeal as you're lifted from the ground. "Louis, what are you doing?" You laugh, wrapping your legs around his waist and wrapping your arms around his neck so you don't fall. "I want to cuddle with you." He smiles, laying you down on the bed. "Hm, I guess we can cuddle... But only if you sing to me." You smile at him as he lays down beside you. "But I don't wanna do that." He pouts, wrapping an arm around your waist. "Then I don't want to cuddle." You say back in a whiney tone, trying to get out of his grip. "No, don't leave! Fine, fine..." He says, starting to sing the beginning of I Want to Write You A Song.

A/N Sorry it's been like eleven years since I've written and I got the request one of you asked for, for a part three of the break-up but at this point in time I have very little ideas for that but I promise as soon as I get motivation for it I'll write it :) Here's one I started and never finished until tonight, I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry you had to wait so long and I'm also sorry Louis and Zayn's are kinda crap :(
Anyways, I love you guys, I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for reading and I do read every comment and I see all of the votes and appreciate every single one of them! Love you, Siam <3

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