Niall- "How to get Niall Horan to date you. It's pretty simple. Just buy the Nando's company and tell him the only way he'll get food from your company is for him to date you. He'll agree, and all you've got to do is give him food and he'll stay. #YourWelcomePeople."
Zayn- "To get Zayn Malik to date you, you first have to kidnap his bag and sniff his boxers. That's a must do. Then, tweet him saying you 'found' his bag. He'll come to your house, alone, to collect his stuff. Once you get him inside your house, quickly take out the chloroform cloth you've been hiding behind your back and hold it to his face until he passes out. Then, tie him to the bed while he's asleep. Once he wakes up, fake tears. "Oh my gosh Zayn! You finally woke up I've missed you so much!" Tell him as you untie his wrists. "Who are you? Why was I tied up?" He'll ask you as he rubs his reddening wrists. "You-you passed out Zayn! You don't remember me? I'm your girlfriend! (Y/N!)! Doctor practice has changed over the months... You now tie people up for healing."
And he'll have no choice but to believe you. You two will be happily ever after. When Zayn asks who's Perrie, tell him it's his crazy ex-girlfriend who thinks they're engaged. It's the only way. #YourWelcome.
Louis- "How to Date Louis Tomlinson. This one's a bit tricky, but possible if done correctly. First, you must get him to follow you. Pretend to be the biggest Elounor shipper, whether you're one or not. Then, he might follow you. Once you've accomplished getting him to follow you, start to DM him as if he's a normal guy. "Hi.", or "How are you?" will do.Once he responds, just keep talking until you two become friends. Ask him to spend Halloween together. If he says yes, you've accomplished the mission so far. If he says no, then you've failed. But on Halloween, he'll bring Eleanor (Don't worry people, it's part of the plan.) Once Eleanor excuses herself to use the bathroom, ask Lou if you can dress him as a mummy with toilet paper. Since Louis is a fun guy, he'll say yes. So you grab the toilet paper and tie Louis up. "Hey babe what are you doing?" Eleanor asks as she walks in. "We were just about to make-out." You'll say, then you'll force your lips to his. Eleanor will run out crying, and Louis will try to push you off, but huehuehue you've got him tied up. Then, pull away. "She's going to break-up with me (Y/N!)!" Louis will shout, and you'll kiss him again. Time for chloroform. He'll wake up. "Wheres El?" He'll say. "She broke up with you while you were passed out. I'm sorry Lou, I'm here for you. I love you." And then he'll realize he loves you and you two will date. #YourWelcomeAgain.
Harry- "To date Harry Styles, here's what you must do. Go to a One Direction concert with backstage passes. While you're talking with Harry, ask him to speak in private. He'll agree, because of the serious look on your face. "What's wrong love?" He'll ask. "Harry... I-I've got Stylesnomia." Fake sob. "What's that? Hey, don't cry." He'll say, grabbing your cheek assuringly. "It's.. It's a disease where if I don't marry you I'll die. It has no known cure, besides marrying a twenty year old named Harry Edward Styles who was born on February 1st, 1994 in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire England." And if Harry doesn't date you after that, look at 'How to Date Zayn Malik" And pull out the chloroform, follow same thing. "Oohhh emmm geee, where am I?" Harry might ask. "You don't even remember me Haz? You're at my apartment... I'm your girlfriend." You'll say. And then you two fall in love. The end.
Liam-Steal his boxers and tell him you did, and give him your address to pick them up at. Once he get's there, this is what will happen. "I've never seen those boxers in my life. And I don't know that chick, I've never seen her before. We look nothing alike. But, she's pretty hot if I do say so myself. You should probably date her." And he'll realize he loves you and stuff and you'll fall in love, get married, have kids and live happily ever after.

One Direction Preferences
أدب الهواةAll types of One Direction preferences, for the Directioners out there. Come near and far, and read these things! Yayyyy reading!