****In Harry's it's an AU (Alternate Universe) and Harry is a author in it. Sorry for any confusion.****
Zayn- "Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall. Next time? There won't be no next time!"
"Zayn, I don't want to talk about it right now." You tell him, storming through the door of your shared house. "What do you mean you don't want to talk about it now? It just happened, I'm not going to let you get away with it!" He says still angered, the anger you've had to become used to these past few weeks. "I mean," You hiss, turning around to look him in the eyes. "I don't want to talk about it right now. We can talk about it later, but right now I just want to eat dinner and then go to bed." You finish, turning around to head into your kitchen as you planned to. "Like you need another meal." He mutters under his breath, making you turn around as soon as you heard his last word. "What?" You ask, shocked he would even say that. "I said, like you need another meal." He takes a step closer to you, his demeanor as angry as it was back in the car. "I can't believe you sometimes." You turn back around, shaking your head as you go to walk back into the kitchen in search of dinner. "You can't believe me? I can't believe you!" He shouts, taking strides closer to you and despite his demeanor he gently pushes you against the wall, standing in front of you and pinning both arms on either side of you to prevent your escape. "Zayn, let me go." You say, trying to push him away by his chest but failing. "We're going to talk about this now. Why would you say that in front of the cameras? Do you know how much of a dick that'll make me look like?" He asks, pressing his forehead to yours to force your eyes on his. "Good, then it'll show what you act like at home." You respond, angering him more. "(Y/N) I don't know if you're trying to ruin my career, but if you haven't noticed it's the money I make that's paying for this house, and for the cars, and for the food in the fridge." He says, shouting in your face. "You know very damn well I pay for our things too, you may pay for your car, but I pay for mine. And I buy the groceries, I can't even remember the last time you went shopping." You point out. "That's not the point! The point is tabloids are going to be all over how you said I scare you sometimes, why would you tell a reporter that I scare you when I'm drunk? They're going to think I abuse you or some shit!" He yells, making you try to push him away again because of the ringing in your ears. "You're scaring me right now and your not even drunk yet, so picture what it's like when you are." You say, trying desperately to push him off one last time. "You're getting so annoying!" He yells, banging his fist against the wall beside you, causing you to jump at the impact so close to your head. "Zayn, this is the last time I'm going to say it. Let me go." You try to be calm, looking at the hole in the wall he created with his fist. "Fine." He says, backing up and letting you move freely. As soon as you can, you bolt out the door to your car, just sitting in it in the driveway scared of the man you left inside. Around ten minutes later, he walks outside still looking pissed off but not as much as he was inside. "Hey, sorry for doing that near you. Next time I'll do it to the drywall in the basement. I'll have someone come fix it." He shrugs, leaning against the side of your car not noticing the tears that have escaped your eyes in fear of him. "There's not going to be a next time, Zayn." You say, locking your car doors and starting your car up. He stands straight so he's not leaning on it anymore. "What do you mean there won't be a next time? We're always going to have fights." He says as you roll down your window. "I'm going out for awhile, and I'll have my brother come pick up some of my things. Maybe I'll be back in a few weeks or something..." You trail off, trying to focus on the driveway and trying to stop your tears so you can drive safely.
Niall- "Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine."
Fight, break up. Make up,Get back together. Fight again. It's a almost weekly routine for Niall and you, usually fighting over tour or infidelity, always leading you to the yelling and shattering of picture frames that causes your break-ups, The screaming of words neither of you would dare say in public or to anyone else, but thinking it's acceptable to say to each other. This is what exactly what happens tonight.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionAll types of One Direction preferences, for the Directioners out there. Come near and far, and read these things! Yayyyy reading!