"Where do babies come from?"

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* (Y/D/N) Means your daughters name.
* (Y/S/N) Means your sons name.

Liam: "(Y/D/N), do you understand what Daddy's saying?" You ask your five year old daughter, just giving her the news that you'll be having a new addition to the family. She nods at you before turning her attention back to your husband Liam. "But Daddy... Where do babies even come from?" She asks him as he goes to take a sip of his coffee, instead he puts the cup back down on the table and his eyes widening as he looks to you as you let out a laugh. "Yeah Li, where do babies come from?" You ask too, excited to hear his explanation to his daughter. He clears his throat before answering, "Well uh, (Y/D/N), babies come when two people in love, like your mom and I, write a letter to the stork everyday asking for a baby until the stork decides we wrote enough letters. To get you your mom and I wrote seventeen letters, and for the baby on its way we wrote forty. It's different every time, but if you try hard enough the stork will give you a baby." He explains, quickly making up a story. "Well, I love Uncle Harry, can him and I write a letter to the stork?" She asks, then you smile back your laughter as you tell her you have to be much older before you can write to the stork.

Niall: "Come on, (Y/S/N)! Why don't you want a little sister? You used to bug your mom and I about having a little sibling for you, what's changed now?" Niall asks your son at breakfast one morning, your son having an outburst last night when you told him he'd be having a little sister. He knew you were pregnant, but he had been hoping for a brother rather than a sister. "Dad, girls are disgusting, I don't want a little sister! I wanted a little brother, why can't you just give it back and get a new one?" The eight year old asks him. "It doesn't really work like that." Niall laughs. "Then how does it work? Where do babies come from anyways, dad?" Niall sighs, knowing this was coming sooner rather than later. "Well, I don't know how other people get their kids but your mom and I ask Santa when we want one, that's how we got you." He says. Your son is skeptical about it, but just nods in agreement when he sees you walk in with plates of pancakes.

Louis: You and Louis have two kids, and a third on the way. You have a ten year old daughter and a four year old son, both aware that you have a baby girl inside of you. Neither know how she got in there, but your daughter knows some basics of it. She knows when your married and in love is the time to make babies, but she doesn't know the physics of it. Your son though, he knows almost nothing. You knew questions would be asked by him soon, but you didn't think it would be while tucking him into bed one night. "Daddy, do you know how the baby got inside of mummy?" He asks. "Well uh, (Y/S/N), your mom saw it on the table and thought it was candy, so she ate it. But it wasn't candy, so we have to wait a little while before it comes out. Don't worry though, your sister will be fine. Now get to bed, the sooner you sleep the sooner you'll wake, and when you wake you'll be one day closer to meeting your little sister." Louis says, scuffing his sons hair.

Zayn: "Daddy,where do babies come from?" (Y/S/N) asks at dinner one night. "What made you think of asking that?"Zayn asks, putting the spoonful of food back to his plate. "Well, Uncle Louis and I were talking about the baby him and auntie Tina are having, and I want to know where the baby came from." Your son tells Zayn. Before you can cut in and answer for Zayn, Zayn responds. "Well (Y/S/N), babies come from parents who love each other very much. Uncle Louis and and auntie Tina love each other very much, so as a present God is giving them a baby. Your mother and i love each other very much, so God gave us you. Babies come from God, but God makes sure you're ready for it when he wants you to have one." Zayn says. "When will God know I'm ready?" Your son asks Zayn, who then smiles at you. "God will know you're ready when you love a girl as much as I love your mom."

Harry: Harry and yourself were shocked when you found out you were pregnant again, after all the issues that occurred to get you pregnant the first time you thought it'd take a miracle to get you pregnant again, but after four years you're actually pregnant with your second child. You and Harry's first daughter is a little over four, she's always wanted a little brother and now she might finally get one. "Daddy, where do babies come from?" She asks Harry after he spills the news to her that she'll be a big sister in a few short months. "Well uh, (Y/D/N), babies come from the stork. Do you know what a stork is? No? Well, a stork is a bird that decides when a mommy and daddy love each other so, so much he'll give them a baby." Harry answers, hoping your curious daughter doesn't question further. "Then why don't you and mommy have a bazillion babies? You love each other so much, you even kiss her!" Your daughter says, a grimace on her little face. Harry chuckles before saying, "I don't know (Y/D/N), maybe he forgot to give us another baby after we had our amazing first daughter.

A/N Hey guys I hope you enjoy I'm trying to write preferences that aren't song prefs because I've written so many of them and have a bunch saved for when I run out of ideas lol but yeah please enjoy if you do maybe comment and vote? It means a lot thank you I love you all!!!!

Siam <3

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