Liam- You and Liam like to play a few rounds of Tetris before bed. You'll lie in bed with your laptops in your laps, versing each other through Facebook. You'll playfully make mock comments about how 'you're going to win', and he'll return with an adorable 'You won my heart, but I'm going to win this Tetris match.' About four rounds in, after both of you winning two games, you decide to leave it as a tie because neither of you want the other to lose, but you also don't want yourself to lose. So once the laptops are shut down, you exchange 'I love you's' and you cuddle up in his arms ready to fall asleep. 'If we did play another game (Y/N), I would of won. Now goodnight, I love you.' He'll whisper before you doze off, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
Louis- Mario Kart. You two will literally plan a day where you can have a Mario Kart competition, a very serious one at that. Each game is monitered by one of your mutual friends so it can be fair, there are five minute breaks after every third race, and the person you two chose to moniter the event is writing down each of your points after each race. You play 32 races, and usually Louis ends up winning. He'll cheer and you'll congratulate him, saying he did a good job while you're secretly wishing it was you. But then Louis gives you a kiss, and says, 'You'll beat me next time, just like you beat all the other girls after my heart.'
Niall- Even though Niall knows how to play a real guitar, you and him play Guitar Hero. Or should I say, he plays and you usually just watch. 'Did you see that babe? I totally rocked that!' He'll ask, looking over his shoulder to you on the couch after one of the songs is over, and you'll give him a thumbs up and respond with, 'I did Ni, you did great! It was almost as good as one of your live concerts.' You'll smile to him. 'Okay, now your turn.' He'll tell you, unstrapping the plastic guitar. 'No Ni, I'm not good at it. I'd rather listen to your magic ways then my load of crap.' You reject. 'What? No, you're not crap. Here, I'll teach you.' He says, forcing you to stand and wrapping the guitar around you, him standing behind you helping you hit the right buttons. 'See? You're not as terrible as you make yourself to be.' He'll tell you. 'I love you Ni, you make everything easier.'
Zayn- Words with Friends is yours and Zayn's favorite game. You both are right next to each other on the couch, facing each other and turning your phones so the other can't look, choosing words to send the other in hopes of winning. You can never come up with some of the words Zayn does, how does he realize he can use 'zapping' when you can't even come up with a five letter word in a reasonable amount of time? 'Okay Zayn I give up, I cannot beat you.' You'll sigh, looking at the letters you have and the gameboard, unable to come up with any possible words. 'Don't give up, here I'll help you.' Zayn will say, reaching for you phone to help. As he's looking through the options, he'll find a word easily earning you more points. 'How'd you find that? I tried that and it said it wasn't a word!' You'll ask. 'I dunno, I just did. (Y/N) you're not the best speller, but I still love you.' He'll laugh.
Harry- It's no secret that One Direction can't dance that well, and Harry is no exception. So when some fan gave you one of the 'Just Dance' games, you happily set up a competition with Harry. You two are dancing to WMYB (What Makes You Beautiful.), because Harry said it'd give him luck, and you are beating him drastically. 'You must be cheating.' He'll say after the game, you having over a hundred points more than him. 'I didn't cheat babe, you just can't dance.' You'll say, and then he'll sit back on the couch with a pout on his lips. 'Awe, are you mad at me?' You'll ask, and he'll nod. 'I'm sorry Harry. You may not be good at dancing, but you're good at other things, if you know what you mean. If you forgive me, maybe we can go do some of these other things. Am I forgiven?' You'll ask, kissing his cheek. 'Of course you are.' He'll say, his cheeky grin already clad to his face.

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionAll types of One Direction preferences, for the Directioners out there. Come near and far, and read these things! Yayyyy reading!