Another Boy Meets Your Baby.

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Niall- You and Niall brought a beautiful baby girl into the world nine days ago, naming her Alannah. She's been introduced to all her uncles except for one, Uncle Harry. Harry was visiting his mother in Holmes Chapel when Alannah was born, and he didn't come back to America until today. Even as jet-lagged as he was, he came to see Alannah as soon as his plane landed. "She's asleep right now, let me go get her." You explained to Harry as you let him into your home, answering his question on where the baby is. "Ah, alright. Where's Niall at? I remember he wouldn't leave your side while you were pregnant." Harry chuckles, recalling how protective Niall was of you while you were pregnant, not letting you out of his sight to even get a glass of water. "He's sleeping I believe, he kept getting up while Alannah was crying." You say, opening the door of yours and Niall's shared room, seeing Niall in bed, awake rather than asleep with Alannah in his arms. "Is she awake yet? Uncle Harry came here right after his flight to come meet her." You ask Niall, walking further into the room. "She started stirring, I guess she knew someone was here to meet her." Niall chuckles, sitting up in the bed adjusting Alannah in his arms. "Well come on Harry, are you just gonna stand there or are you going to say hi to my daughter?" Niall asks as you sit on the bed, patting the bed beside you so Harry comes to sit. "Hey there, Alannah." Harry says sleepily, yet his eyes shining as he looks down at the beautiful little girl in Niall's arms. "Do you want to hold her?" Niall asks, looking at Harry he nods in response. Your husband passes your little girl to Harry, who carefully holds her with a smile on his face. Her eyes are open now, staring up at Harry with an open mouth. She takes his finger in her tiny fist, squeezing hard as she's done to everyone she's met. "She's doing that to everyone, squeezing their fingers." You chuckles as Harry let Alannah squeeze and move his finger around. "It doesn't bother me." He murmurs, captivated by the infant in his arms. 

Zayn- The boys all rushed to the hospital waiting room as soon as they heard you went into labor, sitting impatiently in the metal and plastic chairs as you and Zayn were in the delivery room for four hours until your son was born. Zayn and yourself named him Andrew, reluctantly letting the hospital staff take your newborn away to get all the normal testing done. The other four boys were let into your room now, looking at you and Zayn to find out the name and gender of the baby you two decided to wait for. "It's a boy, and we named him Andrew." Zayn chuckles as he sees the others eager faces. "Where did they take him?" Niall asks right away, noticing that there's no baby in the room. "They went to get his testing done, checking to see if there's any complications, weight and height, things like that. He'll be back shortly." Zayn says, repeating what the doctor had told him moments ago. You're tired after being in labor for so long, but you're forcing yourself to stay awake so you could hold your son for the second time. Zayn and the boys share talk about Andrew before a nurse comes into the room with a wheeled infant bed, a smile on her face as she wheels it beside you. "You have a healthy baby boy, Mr and Mrs.Malik. eight pounds, two ounces." She says, taking the baby out of the cart and handing him over to you. "We'll just need you to stay the night, make sure everything's okay and at noon tomorrow you'll be allowed to take the little one home." She then walks out of the room, shutting the door behind her. "Awe, look at him!" Niall whisper shouts as soon as the nurse left, immediately walking to the side of you Zayn isn't standing at to see the little guy. "He's so cute, Zayn and (Y/N) you two made a cute child." He awes, making you laugh while you pass Andrew off to Zayn, giving Andrew a kiss to the forehead and a statement of love before giving Zayn a kiss, also telling him you love him. "Zayn, I'm sorry but I'm so tired, if you can't handle him feel free to wake me up but I really need a nap. I'm sure Niall's more than willing to help you out if you need it."

Louis- "How is he always late?" Louis chuckles as you two are at your welcoming party for your newborn baby, Lucas. Everyone's there at Louis' moms house, two weeks after the birth of your baby and she quickly threw together this party. Your families are both there and your friends, all except Zayn. "He must of slept in." You laugh, remembering the times of when you used to tour with them and Zayn would always sleep in. "Wouldn't be the first time." Louis chuckles, your son starting to cry in his arms. "Awe, what's wrong buddy?" Louis asks, not expecting an answer as he rocks your son in his arms. "I think he wants his mum." You coo, holding your arms out for your husband to hand Lucas to you. "No way, he was with you for nine months, I think he wants some time with daddy right now." Louis chuckles as he holds Lucas in one arm, bending down to fish out Lucas' pacifier from the diaper bag. "Here you go bud." He says, placing it into Lucas' mouth silencing his cries. "Now that he's done crying, do you think I could see the little man?" Zayn asks from behind you two, scaring you slightly as you and Louis both turn around to face him. "I don't know Z, you were late for his party. He was just crying because he thought you weren't going to make it." You tease, giving Zayn a quick hug because you haven't seen him since you turned seven months pregnant, over two months ago. "I guess you can see my son, but only because I need to use the bathroom and I don't want to give (Y/N) the satisfaction of holding him right now." Louis says, carefully passing Lucas over to Zayn before running off inside his mum's house. "He's my baby too, I have the stretch marks to prove it." You mumble, causing Zayn to laugh as he holds Lucas awkwardly. "Zayn, you're holding him all wrong." You tisk, adjusting the baby in his arms so it's more comfortable for him. "Support his head and under his legs, make him feel safe." You tell him, watching Lucas start to drift off in Zayn's arms before he suddenly starts crying again, Zayn immediately handing him to you. "Sorry, I don't know what I did wrong I, did I hurt him?" Zayn asks, panicking as Lucas doesn't stop crying right away. "Relax, you didn't hurt him, he's probably hungry." You laugh, taking a bottle from the diaper bag and holding it to Lucas, who immediately stops crying once it's in his mouth. Zayn sighs in relief, before telling you he'll be talking to Harry so he doesn't make the baby cry again.

Harry- Two days after giving birth to yours and Harry's daughter Bethany, you've had dozens of people come visit her in the small hospital room. You went into labor a week before expected, having to be rushed out of the aquarium you and Harry were at on your last date before your baby girl came. It seems like everyone you know has met your little girl, everyone except for Liam. He just hasn't gotten into town yet, him and his girlfriend have been fighting recently so he was doing damage control on anything he could fix before driving out to the hospital today. There's a small knock on your room in the hospital, Harry murmuring 'come in' since he knew to expect Liam today. Liam walks into the room, shutting the door behind him before walking closer to you, seeing little Bethany in your arms as you burp her. "She's so cute, you guys did a good job." He says, a smile that reaches his eyes on his face as he looks at the full head of tiny curls on her. "She has Harry's hair." He points out, as if it has gone unnoticed by you two. "She does, and she has (Y/N)'s eyes." Harry agrees, smiling at you and his little girl in awe, as he's been doing for the past two days. "Do you want to hold her?" You ask Liam, who eagerly nods his head before pulling a chair closer to your hospital bed. "Alright, just support her head okay? She's still so fragile, be careful with her." Harry says nervously as you hand her over to Liam. "Relax Harry, it's Liam holding her. You really think he's going to be the one out of your bandmates to drop her?" You laugh, laying back in the hospital bed watching Liam begin to rock your daughter back and forth in his arms. "I guess you're right, this is why he's the godfather." Harry says, watching how Liam's rocking comes to a stop. "Godfather?" He asks, a smile breaking across his face as both you and Harry nod.

Liam- Just four days ago was your son born, Cameron. Only one of Liam's bandmate has met Cameron as of yet, and that was Niall. Today Louis was waiting at yours and Liam's house as today was the day you were finally released from the hospital room. Louis was eagerly waiting at your front door, holding the brown teddy bear he bought for your son in one hand, along with balloons that say 'It's a Boy' in the other. He see's Liam's car pull into the driveway, and he wastes no time walking up to the car door to peak through the window to catch a glimpse of your son. "Louis, could you back away so I can at least bring him inside?" You say, stepping out of the car and impatiently waiting for Louis to move so you could grab your sons car seat from the car. "I guess we're leaving your daddy to get all of our stuff from the car, since your Uncle Louis couldn't wait another few minutes to see you." You say to Cameron as you take your keys from you hoodie pocket to unlock the front door. You step into the house with Cameron, Louis right behind you and letting go of the balloons he had. "This is your home now buddy." You say to him as you unbuckle his tiny seat belt. "I can do that for you, you can go help Liam get your belongings." Louis says, taking a step closer as you begin to laugh. "Alright, fine Louis. You win, go ahead and hold him, just know if you drop him or if one of his tiny little hairs fall out of place I will gouge your eyes out and shove them so far up your ass you'll be seeing your own heart trying to pump blood into your soon to be lifeless body." You say before walking off, Louis seemingly unfazed by your threat. He carefully takes Cameron out of the car seat, making sure not to wake the sleeping baby as he holds him in his arms carefully. He stands straight, walking towards the front door so he can congratulate you and Liam on how adorable the little guy is. "He's so cute you two, I didn't know Payno had it in him to make something like this. Awe, look at that, he's smiling at Uncle Louis." Louis says, smiling down at the infant who has a small smile on his lips. "He's not smiling at Uncle Louis, the doctors said he won't smile intentionally for a few weeks. They said if he's smiling now it's because he's passing gas, so actually he's using Uncle Louis as a bathroom." Liam laughs from the car.

A/N Sorry if this sucks a lot idk I just kind of put it together so I'd have something to post after the nicknames preference lol sorry but thank you guys for reading I appreciate it and I love you guys so much!! 

Siam <3

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