He Does Your Make-Up

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"Wait, just to make sure, this goes on your eyes, right?" He asks, holding up mascara. You giggle at his uncertainty. "Well, yeah, it goes on my eyelashes. Don't make me look horrible though Li, if you do I won't forgive you, ever!" You say to your boyfriend who decided to do your make-up for the red carpet event tonight. "I could never, Y/N! What makes you think I could?" He says applying mascara to your eyelashes. After he does that, he grabs some lip gloss on you, and blush. You're a bit scared to see how it turned out, and he hands you a mirror. "I'm a bit impressed." You say, looking in the mirror. He only smudged some lip gloss, to your surprise not ruining your whole face.


"I got this babe, don't worry." He smiles at you while sitting you down in a chair. You decided to trust Zayn, and let him do your make-up. You don't have any plans today, and you two were bored. So he suggested you letting him do your make-up, and after and hour of trying to convince you, you give in. "Close your eyes Y/N, I want you to be completely surprised!" He cheerfully says as you sigh, closing your eyes. You feel his hands on your cheeks, you feel him put lipstick to your lips, and an eye pencil to your eye. When he finally says he's finished, you run off to the bathroom to see his works. "Not to bad Zayn, but my skin isn't two colors babe. You were supposed to mix those foundations, not put a different cover on each cheek." You smile at him once you hear his foot steps join you upstairs.


"I can't believe we're actually doing this. I blame you, Directioners if he messes up my face!" You scold the camera, indicating it at the directioners. Niall decided to do a twitcam today with you, and the fans decided to play truth or dare. They dared you two to do each others make-up, and Niall wanted to go first. "Okay, Y/N sit on the bed, I'll sit next to you and figure this out." He says, holding your make-up bag in the air. Once you're seated on the bed, you close your eyes waiting to see how he does. You feel something touch your cheeks, eyes, and your neck. He holds a mirror for you to see, and you start laughing. He put bright blue eyeshadow on you, and put  mascara on your lips. "Niall, hun! You made me look terrible. But now it's me turn, be prepared." You smirk at him taking your make-up bag away.


"Are you sure about this? Can I trust you to make me look like Spiderwoman?" You ask Louis. It's halloween, and you and Louis are doing a couples costume. He's going as Spiderman, and you're going as Spiderwoman. You did his face with the make-up crayons, and now he's doing yours. You don't really trust him, seeing as Louis is always a jokester. "Of course you can Y/N, besides, I would never ruin my chance in winning a couples costumes!" He laughs as he takes the red face crayon, applying it to your face. Next he takes the black one, then white, and lastly he black lipstick. "Okay, my masterpiece is done. Be grateful, it looks perfect!" He smiles moving out of the way of the bathroom mirror. You gasp, you never knew how good Louis was at drawing on peoples faces.


"Come on Y/N! You did mine, it's my turn to do yours!" Harry whines from beside you on the couch. You and Harry were having a lazy day, and you coaxed him into letting you put make-up on him, making him look like a very beautiful man, in your words. "Fine Harry, but I swear if you mess this up too badly, your curls are gone." You sigh, handing over your make-up kit. Harry nods repeatedly, then tells you to close your eyes. You feel pressure on your cheeks, neck, lips, and eyes before Harry says he's finished. He gives you the kit which has a mirror inside, and you're stunned. Harry did your make-up perfectly, he even blended your foundation to your neck, making it look more natural. "Your lucky, Styles. The curls live another day." You smile at him shaking the curls you love so dearly.


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