*For those of you who don't know who Michael Clifford is, he's the guitarrist of 5 Seconds of Summer who toured with One Direction. They aren't for OTRA, but let's pretend they are for Liam's pref. Thanks.*
Zayn- You and Zayn were both home on this Saturday morning, so you decided that you two would take up this rare occasion of both being available and watch a movie together. Still clad in your pajamas Zayn and yourself put on 22 Jump Street. Zayn wanted to watch it because he loved 21 Jump Street, and you wanted to watch it because, well, it's Channing Tatum. You go make popcorn while Zayn gets blankets from the bedroom, after setting up the Dvd player. You two cuddle up happy to be able to spend quality time together instead of him being halfway across the world, or you being across town at work. You two always make sure not to take advantage of these days, you try to joke around and have fun.Halfway through the movie you're watching Channing in the gym, and you're basically drooling. "Alright, you could stop ogling at him now (Y/N)." Zayn takes notice. "Sorry, it's just, he's, it's Channing Tatum. Cut me some slack." You choose to say, that being the only way to express the situation. "And I'm Zayn Malik, your boyfriend, sweet, loving, hotter than Channing Tatum..." He begins to list things he is. "Of course you're hotter than him Z, of course you are." You lightly laugh giving Zayn a kiss on the cheek. "I know I am, obviously. I mean, you did choose to be with me. I'm charming, sexy, my tattoo game is on point-" "Yeah, don't be modest Zayn." You laugh interrupting him. "ou Now let's keep watching, if we're lucky there might be a shirtless scene coming up..." You trail off, Zayn groaning in response.
Liam- You're touring with Liam since he decided he wanted his fiance with him so he doesn't have to worry about missing Skype dates or whatnot and also because, well he loves you. Even though One Direction has an already busy schedule with the current tour, managements having them record their new album as well. Liam has a hectic schedule now, making way around recording, concerts, meet and greets and those sort of things to make sure he has enough time to spend with you. He's sleeping in on this Friday night, since he has a recording session early in the morning on Saturday. You're letting him sleep in on the tour bunks of the bus while you watch Michael and Harry play Call of Duty. "Alright, I'm out. We've got recording early tomorrow, I'm going to bed." Harry says, putting down his controller and walking away as Michael groans. "Just wanted to play CoD." "I can play with you." You shrug and Michael gives you a weird look, but passes over Harry's controller because he still wanted to play. A few minutes in, and you two are working well together. "Revive me! No come on (Y/N) revive me!" Michael shouts, forgetting about the people sleeping on the bus, waking up Liam. Noticing you still haven't joined him in his bunk, Liam gets out of his bed and finds you in the sitting room with Michael. "(Y/N), you coming to bed soon?" Liam asks walking into the room making his presence known. "Yeah, I'll be in in a second." You tell him, "Just let me finish this round with Michael." You hear Liam mumble a response as he walks away, and then Michael pauses the game. "Go to bed with Liam, I don't want him killing me." Michael laughs when you gve him a quizzical look. "Why would he kill you?" "Because he obviously wants you in bed with him right now, he doesn't seem to pleased you're out here."
Niall- "Oh my god I'm actually on the Red Carpet. Oh my god Niall we're actually on the red carpet!" You whisper-squeal to your boyfriend who's chuckling at your reaction. "Yeah, we're actually on the Red Carpet (Y/N)." He says to you as he grabs your hand and walks further along the carpet. "Oh Niall! (Y/N)! I was hoping to run into you two! Love the dress by the way." Tyler Oakley, only your favorite Youtuber of all time says to you, walking towards you and Niall in his cute tuxedo with his microphone. "Hi Tyler! I love your tux too." You say, trying to sound like a normal human rather than a crazed fangirl. "Hi Tyler." Niall waves. "Could I ask you guys a few questions? Y'know, for the viewers?" He asks, nodding towards the camera behind him. "Of course!" You say at the same time Niall says 'we've got to go find the other boys actually.' "Oh, well I guess we can stay for a few questions." Niall mumbles. Tyler hen asks some questions about the new album One Directions working on before asking you about how you feel when Niall's on tour, asking if you've ever wanted to do a Youtube collab, asking where you got your magnificent dress from, all of those things. "Sorry to cut your conversation short Tyler, but (Y/N) and I have to go find the boys. Maybe we'll run into you later." Niall says grabbing your hand again and leading you inside the venue. "Ni, the boys already told you they'd be here late, we could have talked for a few more minutes." You tell him when you two are sitting at the boys empty table, "We could have stayed and let him flirt some more with you, sure I guess." Niall sighs. "Ni, he's gay. If he's flirting with anyone it would have been you." You point out. "Oh, yeah I knew that." He blushes.
Harry- You and Harry were at the beach when Harry saw the ice-cream truck pull onto the sand, and he excused himself to go buy you two some ice-cream. You're sitting on your towel tanning under the sun when you hear your name called, so you raise the sunglasses from your eyes and sit up to see the caller. "Hey (Y/N)! Funny seeing you here!" Taylor Lautner says, approaching your area with a few other boys. You only know each other by meeting at an award show you went to with Harry, and you two talkekd for a while there. "Oh, hi Taylor." You smile, standing to shake his hand but he pulls you in for a hug. You two stand and make small talk before Harry comes back with two ice-cream cones. "Oh, hi Taylor." Harry nods his head at Taylor since both his hands are busy holding cones. "What were you in my girlfriend talking about?" He asks, handing you your ice-cream so he has a free hand to place on your shoulder. "We were uh, we were just catching up. But my friends and I have to go, I think we're going to get some of that ice-cream over there." Taylor says, pointing to the truck Harry was just at. "Alright, we'll see you around." Harry says, nodding in dismissal as Taylor and his crew walk away. "We were just talking." You tell him. "Hm, yeah I know." Harry says, still keeping his hand on your shoulder until he's pleased with the distance between you and Taylor's group.
Louis- You were at the supermarket buying cake mix so you and Louis could make cupcakes to give to his mother on mothers day. While you were at the market, you ran into Justin Bieber. It was a bit awkward, since he recognized you before you did him, but you two made a small conversation before parting ways. He gave you a hug goodbye before giving you his number saying 'keep in touch', and you thanked him but politely threw the paper to the floor of your car without giving it a second glance. As soon as you got back to yours and Louis' flat, you hear music from your bedroom. Assuming Louis is just casually listening to music, you put the cake mix in the kitchen cabinet before going to the bedroom. "Louis, wha-" You stop mid-sentence in shock, opening your bedroom door to find Louis sitting on your bed with a wig on listening to 'Boyfriend' by Justin Bieber. The wig was 2010 Bieber, but still. "If you wanted Bieber all you had to do was tell me (Y/N), I can be anything you want." He says from the bed. "What are you talking about? I don't want Bieber, I'd like my sexy Tomlinson back please." You just laugh and join him on the bed, asking what has gotten into him. "I saw a picture of you and Bieber at the market, and this happened." He shrugs, taking off the wig. "Oh Lou, what am I going to do with you." You laugh.
A/N Sorry for not updating in like, 428 years but Ashley and I couldn't figure out what our password was but I fixed it earlier today so don't worry we'll be back now.
Siam <3

One Direction Preferences
FanfictionAll types of One Direction preferences, for the Directioners out there. Come near and far, and read these things! Yayyyy reading!