Chapter 3

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You waited for the bus that the letter told you to wait for. You were on your phone until you heard a beep in front of you.

You walked into the extravagant looking bus and looked around. There were a couple of students there and you saw a platinum blonde head in one of the seats. You smiled and asked if anyone was sitting there.

"Well, not really, but-" he stopped as he saw you smirking in front of him. He smiled and patted the seat next to him.

During the bus ride, you and Kazuha caught up with each other, even though there wasn't much to catch up on, since you texted each other everyday all day.

You were still talking to each other until a person said

"Well look at you, Kazuha! You finally got a date, did you?"

Kazuha blushed and quickly said that you two weren't dating.

"Kazuha... who are they?" You asked, kind of embarrassed and confused.

"Oh, they are my friends from a long time ago. I haven't introduced you to them before, sorry." Kazuha replied.

"Oh. Cool." You said. Kind of sad that he didn't tell you about his other friends even though you have known each other since you were kids. 'Stop being selfish, Y/n. Kazuha doesn't have to tell you everything about his life.'

"I'll introduce you all. Y/n, meet Ayato, Thoma, and Ayaka. They are my close friends."

"Nice to meet you, I'm y/n l/n." You said.

"Likewise." A tall light blue haired man said.
You and the others clicked quickly and you talked for the whole time on the bus.

The bus picked up all of the students and it was stuffed on the bus, but not too stuffed. The bus driver got up and told us instructions. You and the group (group as in, you, Kazuha, Ayato, Ayaka, and Thoma.) got up and walked out, following the bus driver's instructions.

You got a short tour of the school as you got out of the bus. It was a little late by the time the tour was over and you were walking to the cafeteria with the group when you realized that you haven't seen who you were sharing a dorm with.

"Hold on guys, I'll be right back. I have to go see who I share a dorm with."

"What do you mean? We share a dorm, silly." Ayaka said.

"What? I didn't know, haha" you said, slightly embarrassed at the fact you didn't check before.

"Anyway, who do you guys share a dorm with?" You asked the guys.

"I share a dorm with Thoma." Kazuha replied.

"Some kid named Gorou." Ayato replied, kind of annoyed.

"Cool cool, I have to go unpack my bags. Ayaka, do you want to come with?" You asked.

"Sure! I'll see you later, Waka!" Ayaka said.

"Pff- Waka? Is that Ayato's nickname?"

"Yep! I've been calling him that since we were kids haha. You can call him that if you want."

"Of course I'll call him that! It's a nice nickname." You laughed

"Do you have a nickname for Kazuha?" Ayaka asked.

"No.. every nickname I used on him didn't stick for long.. Oh! I call him honey and love just to see him get flustered hehe." You smirked when you said the last part.
Ayaka giggled at your reply and asked something you didn't think she would ask.

"Say.. y/n? If you don't mind.. I'd like to ask you something." Ayaka said

"Hm? Yeah, go ahead."

"Are you.. into Kazuha or dating him..? If you are, I'd like to ask you some advice."

You almost fell when she asked that question.
"Pff- wha-what are you talking about?!!?? Hahahahha of course I don't like him, he is out of my league haha." You said flustered and trying to hide your face.

"Ohhh so you do like him.. hehe.. I'm rooting for you two." Ayaka said with an evil grin.
You didn't even know Ayaka could make such a face. What have I gotten myself into..

Wahahdgha ayaka smirk 695 words

_____Wahahdgha ayaka smirk 695 words

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