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I am writing a high school band au for fun and this is the Sumeru band part :]
I might upload a book of this if a lot of people like it, so please let me know if you want it as a separate book!
I really like this chapter because it's cute and heartfelt (I was watching a horror stream tho)

"The preparations are complete! I missed the meeting yesterday since I was a bit busy...thanks for taking over for me, Rukkie!" A small but sweet voice says, from her office.

Suddenly, a little creature, seeming like a plushie appears from the side of her desk with a leaf in its hand.

"Oh, hello Kaveh! What brings you to my office today?" The voice said.

"Ah, hello Nahida, and Rukkie. I'm in a bit of a bad mood since Alhaitham is being a bi-" Kaveh gets cut off by the creature called Rukkie.

"No language in my office, bad Kaveh!" Nahida says, shaming Kaveh.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me, but I can't seem to be able to play this piece well, could you be able to help me, director?" Kaveh asks, shaming himself in his head for almost cursing in front of his young director and her companion.

"Sure! What are you having trouble with?" She says, walking over to him.

Kaveh starts rambling about his problems with his bari and Nahida listens carefully, hearing everything he says and helps him.

"..." the creature says, a bit disappointed that it couldn't show Kaveh it's drawing on a leaf, since Nahida quickly took him away to help him.

Rukkie shrugged it off, though, and went back to drawing on its leaf to draw more and impress Kaveh and Nahida more.

Her eyes lit up, imagining how proud Kaveh and Nahida would look, after seeing her drawings of the band members all holding hands with big smiles on their faces.

Almost all of director Nahida's day is stuffed with schedules, meetings, and her students asking for help on pieces, so she never gets a break.

Thankfully, her assistant is there to help take a workload off her shoulders.

Though her assistant cannot speak, her actions speak louder than her words.

Because, truthfully, Nahida wasn't a musical genius her whole life, instead, she got lost when she was around four years old in a forest and found an Aranara, playing an instrument. They quickly became friends and little Nahida learned how to play a wide range of instruments and how to read music.

Nahida named the Aranara Rukhadevata, but in short, Rukkie.

That is how Nahida became a musical genius and Rukkie's story.

Anyway, Rukkie decided that such a young child shouldn't go through so much stress over trivial matters, so she went on a secret errand, but still wrote on a leaf a message to Nahida, not wanting to make her worry.

And thus, Rukkie went on a journey downtown to buy all of Nahida's favorite things, and she even brought her own mora.

On the way downtown, she spotted Collei and Tighnari, some of the band students. She quickly ran over to them, and hugged them both.

"Eh? Rukkie, what are you doing all the way out here? Do you want me to take you back to director Nahida?" Tighnari said, surprised at seeing the assistant director anywhere near downtown.

Rukkie shook her head violently, and searched for a leaf to write on.

Collei was just watching, and noticed that Rukkie was trying to write something down for them, so she searched for a leaf and a stick for Rukkie as well.

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