Chapter 18

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The next few months, you made a lot of new friends and your grades were higher than you thought they would be.

But of course, you started missing your family a lot and decided that when break started, you would visit your home.

You started thinking about what presents that you would give Sayu, since she hasn't seen you for a while and you promised her presents as well.

You made a list of things that she would like and put it to the side.

You continued your studies and the few days before break, you and Kazuha went out to the mall nearby to get Sayu's presents.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to, Kazuha." You said, giving him a glance.

"No, I was thinking of getting a present for Sayu as well, since she is like family to me." Kazuha said with a blank expression.

You felt a bit sad that Kazuha had his blank expression once more.

You hated it whenever Kazuha had a blank expression on his face and you always wanted to make him smile.

"Hmm, do you want to go get some drinks first?" You suggested, trying to lift the mood.

"Sure, that would be nice, where would you like to go?" Kazuha said with a gentle smile.

"You pick! I don't mind." You said, happy that he was smiling.

"Hmm, alright." Kazuha said.

You and Kazuha started walking into the mall and found a drink store while talking about thoughts that you two  have had over the school year so far; anything that was hard, anything that was easy, those kinds of things.

You two ordered your drinks and stood next to a wall while you scrolled around on social media to catch up on things that you have missed while you were busy studying.

"Hah? Ayaka and Thoma are dating now??" You said in surprise.

Kazuha leaned over you to see what you were talking about and to his surprise, there started dating a week before.

"They never told us, how curious." Kazuha stated.

"Why wouldn't they, though? I thought we were close, but apparently not close enough to tell us that they are dating." You scoffed.

"There would be a reason behind this, Y/n. They are considerate people and don't go against their friends. Maybe they are trying to make it a surprise? Since you haven't checking your phone often." Kazuha suggested.

"Hm, you might be right. But that won't make me even a bit salty." You said.

"That's understandable. Ah, the drinks are here. I'll get them." Kazuha said, glancing back.

"Okay." You said, waving him off.

You kept scrolling and started getting updated on things that you didn't already know from school, and you heard footsteps approaching you.

"Kazuha, are you back already?" You said while glancing up.

To your surprise, it wasn't Kazuha. It was a fairly short guy that you thought that you had seen before at school.

"Do I know you..?" You said, still trying to remember who the person was.

"No. But you know Kazuha and so do I, so I guess I'm talking to you now." The person said.

"Okay then, but I wouldn't mind if you told me your name first?" You said, raising an eyebrow.

"Why should I tell you my name? I'm obviously not going to ever see you again." He scoffed.

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