Chapter 19

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It was finally the day before break started and you were getting excited at the thought of seeing your family again.

Kazuha saw your excitement and felt content seeing you so happy.

You and Kazuha were calling after the school day was over and you started talking about random things that made you more excited to go back home while packing.

Kazuha listened happily and was pretty excited to see your parents and sister again too.

You and Kazuha eventually ended the call after a couple of hours and you went to sleep, thinking of what you would do first once you arrived in your home.

You woke up the next day, got ready and changed. You got your suitcase and almost forgot Sayu's presents.

"Cant forget these..." you said while hastily grabbing them.

You waited for Kazuha outside of his dorm and eventually he came out and you two started walking to the station.

"Hey Kazuha, are you going to see your mothers after this?" You asked, a bit curious.

"No, I see them everyday at school anyway." He said.

"Ah." You almost forgot that Kazuha's mothers work at The School of Teyvat and you looked to the ground.

You parents weren't the friendliest of all and their kindness is a bit on and off. Sometimes they would be nice and sometimes they would be a bit passive aggressive.

You tried thinking positive though, that they would try to be nice since they would have another guest, Kazuha.

You were absorbed in your thoughts and kept thinking about random outcomes in your mind when you felt Kazuha shaking you awake.

"Y/n? The train is here." Kazuha said.

"Oh, okay." You said, while getting your suitcase and walking in to the train with Kazuha.

The train ride was silent once you kept thinking about random things.

Making even the littlest sound would make you nervous, thinking that you just disturbed the whole train, since you weren't aware that the train was very loud.

After realizing that the train was about to stop, you waited in silence.

It was kind of awkward, but you pretended like nothing was wrong or anything was bothering you.

Once you got off the train, you and Kazuha started walking to your home together.

Kazuha tried to lighten up the mood by talking about random things but you weren't all that interested, since you were worried about how your parents would treat Kazuha.

You arrived at the front of your house eventually, and rang the doorbell.

A few moments later, the door opened.

"Hi, mom." You mumbled.

"Oh, it's you. Oh! And Kazuha! Come in." She said, while eyeing you.

"Thank you for having me." Kazuha said.

You walked in and took your shoes off when you saw Sayu on the couch, sleeping.

You smiled at her peacefully sleeping figure, and saw your father.

You waved at him and he waved back with a gentle smile.

You felt warm and happy, but there was this lingering feeling that it was fake.

They were only acting like this because Kazuha was here.

If he wasn't here, it would be a different story.

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