The Second Task - Discovered!

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"Mmmm--yes, that sounds amazing. So what were you, your friends, and fellow champions discussing between your dances?" I remember what we decided to do after the ball began to wind down, and I mentioned it to him, asking whether it was ok that I did this without asking him first. He gave me another chaste kiss and reassured me that his rooms and belongings were now my rooms and belongings as well and that I had the freedom to invite my friends over whenever I wanted to. At that, I gave him a kiss, surprising both of us as I had never initiated much of our affectionate exchanges. After all of that, we just sat together and enjoyed the rest of the ride, talking about various things and just getting more comfortable with each other in what little time we could spend alone together.


After spending the rest of the night with Draco and the gang, I was ready to meet up with my mate for the night, but I was a little nervous about it as well. As I started to head down to my mate's rooms, I began to think about how this evening could end. I knew that I was going to learn what the second task was, and I honestly don't know how I'm going to take it. The dragons were hard enough to deal with, and if the second task is anything like that, I don't think I can make it through the year. By the time I reached Sev's rooms, I'm hyperventilating. Sev must've had some kind of ward on his door that told him who was outside of his rooms because I've barely raised my shaking hand to knock on the door and he's already opened it and pulled me into his embrace.

Sev immediately begins to rub my back and whisper soothing phrases in my ear, and after a few minutes, I calm down enough to have him give me a mild calming draught and guide me to the couch, where he proceeds to cuddle me until I'm calm enough to talk to him. Thankfully, the other champions and my friends wanted to head back to their rooms to change out of the formal wear before joining me in Sev's rooms, so I was able to have my mini-breakdown without too many people surrounding me. Not that they aren't helpful, but sometimes I just need to break down without 20 people immediately swarming me. 

After about 5 mins of Sev cuddling me, I finally calmed down enough to tell him why I was panicking. I made it clear how I thought it was dumb that I panicked over such a small thing, but Sev being Sev, immediately shut down my self-deprecation and comforted me. "No, you are not dumb. Of course, you're terrified about the second task, and so am I. The first task was dragons, for Merlin's sake, you could've easily died if we hadn't found out about the parseltongue. Who knows what Dumbledore and the Ministry have in mind for the second and third tasks?! But you don't need to be worried, you are not going through this alone! Me, your mother, father, Draco, the rest of Slytherin, and the other champions are going to work together to make a plan that ensures that you and the other champions make it through this ridiculous tournament unharmed and alive! Your freaking out is not dumb; just know that we are all here to help and support you!!"

"I love you, Sev," is all I could say before bursting into tears, burying my head in his chest. I felt so...loved that I couldn't help but cry. I'd never felt this way before, so the feelings just overwhelmed me to the point where I needed to let it out somehow. Sev seemed to understand that I wasn't sad, that I just needed a way to release my emotions, so he just cuddled me closer, starting to rock gently back and forth. 

"I love you too, Hades. Now, how about I go make some tea and get some snacks out for when the others come join us while you change out of your dress robes and grab the egg so you can have it ready for when the others arrive" Sev gives me one final squeeze and a gentle push to his bedroom where some clothes for me had already been left out. 

"Thanks Sev" I yell out before beginning to change out of the elaborate dress robes and into what smells like some of Sev's clothing. I head out of the room with the egg just as the others knocked on the door. Sev nods at me to let me know I can let them in while he finishes preparing the tea and snacks. "Hey guys!" I say, giving Dray a big hug as they walk in. Dray immediately picks me up and carries me over to the couch, setting me on his lap as the others get settled. 

Sev walks in, greeting everyone and setting the tea and snacks down. There's some rustling as everyone gets their tea and some food, and once everyone is set, I turn to Cedric and ask him about the egg. 

"I'm sure you all have realized that just opening it isn't really helpful; what with all the screeching?" he asks, and we all nod. "That's because the way that you are supposed to hear the task's details is a clue about the task in and of itself. You have to submerge yourself and the egg in water to understand the clue. I've listened to the clue but I think it's a good idea if we all listen to it together before discussing the meaning and a plan."

I immediately turn to Sev and ask if there's a place we can go to do this together, and he said that we can all head to the Slytherin's pool. Immediately everyone summoned their swim gear and we quickly changed before heading down to the Slytherin area of the castle with my egg. 

We all got into the pool and Cedric told us it's a good idea to cast a Bubble-Head spell on us cuz the clue is honestly quite long. Sev helped those of us who didn't know the spell and then we all went under the surface. Cedric gestured at me to open the egg, so I did, and a melody came flowing out of the glowing center.

Come seek us where our voices sound, 

We cannot sing above the ground, 

And while you're searching ponder this: 

We've taken what you'll sorely miss, 

An hour long you'll have to look, 

And to recover what we took, 

But past an hour — the prospect's black, 

Too late, it's gone, it won't come back. --The Goblet of Fire, p. 463

Oh lord...what am I going to do...

A/N -- For the next update, I want your opinion. I was thinking about writing it from another character's perspective (i.e. Severus or Draco). Depending on whose POV I write it from, the chapter topic/event will be slightly different, but in general, will likely be something that happens leading up to the second task (as I do want the second task to be in Harry's perspective). So, comment or message me directly if that sounds interesting to y'all and what POV you prefer! I want y'alls opinion because you are the readers, so I want to write chapters that you enjoy reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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