The First Task, REVEALED!

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Mama then asks about what happened in the champions chamber. I tell them exactly what happened, and they are not happy with the fact that I have to participate. But, I can tell that they aren't mad at me, rather at Dumbledore, who is the one who clearly planned all of this.

I'm so exhausted from all the events today, that I fall asleep in Sev's arms as they discuss with the other champions ways to protect me and help me through the tasks.


I run into the common room, sobbing my eyes out. The Slytherins immediately make a path for me to head right into Dray's arms. "Hades, what's wrong? Do you want me to go get Sev, Mama, Pads, Moony, and Papa?" he asks me, rubbing my back softly. 

"Y-yes, please. Al-also ge-get Ced, Fleur, and Viktor. Th-they ne-need t-to kn-know th-this t-t-to." I stammer out, trying to calm myself down, but it's not working. I just end up sobbing harder. I feel him nod and hear some people leaving the common room. He begins to hum a song, rubbing my back and cuddling me closer. He moves my head so it's over his heart, which helps me calm down slightly. He does this until our family arrives, which is when Mama and Papa take over calming me down. Sev brought some of his potions as well as the daily routine things for me. While everyone gets settled and finishes up their own homework, Mama, Papa, and Sev bring me to the bathroom Drakon and I share and slowly wash me down, calming me at the same time. They dress me in my pajamas and then cuddle me on my bed for a few mins until I'm fully calm. Sev then gives me a calming draught, so that I will stay calm when we go down. Papa then picks me up and carries me down to the common room. He sits next to Dray, Mama, and Sev sitting on the other sides of us. Dray gives me a quick look over to make sure I'm ok, then smiles at me, opening his arms for me to cuddle into. I do so immediately, and the Slytherins begin to work on my back while Dray begins to ask me what happened. So I begin to tell my story, safe in Dray's arms.

"Most of the Slytherins and the champions already know this, as they were there when I got called away, but today was when they had the weighing of the wands and Rita Skeeter came and interviewed us champions. Of course, since I was Harry Potter, ex-Gryffindor, she wanted to interview me first. She started asking questions about how I got into the tournament and then asked about my parents, and how they would feel if they knew I was doing this. It got me thinking about you guys, my real family, and just how much of my life was spent away from you guys and the love that you freely give. I-I just couldn't take it anymore, so I ran out and hid for a few hours. That's why none of you saw me for a while." At this, I start crying softly. I could feel the calming draught trying it's best to calm my emotions, but they were just too strong, and I couldn't stop crying. Dray starts immediately rubbing my back and calming me down. After a few minutes, I had calmed down enough to continue my story, but before I could, Moony and Pads interrupted, asking what was going on, and why didn't I look like Harry Potter, but I still smelled like the pup they knew.

I realized they had never learned about me, so I tell them all about my past, letting them know that I never blamed them and that they can ask Sev, Dray, Mama, and Papa about what was being done about my scars and other problems. They nod, give me a hug, and let me know they will always stand with me, no matter what. I then go back to telling them what happened. "After some time, I went back to my normal schedule and pretended nothing happened earlier, knowing that I would tell you later tonight. But then, at dinner, Hagrid came over to the table and asked me to meet him at his hut with my invisibility cloak after dinner. So I did. He told me to put the cloak on and lead me through the forest to a clearing. Inside that clearing, there were dragons and dragon tamers. Madame Maxime had joined us slightly before we reached it, and she revealed that this must be the first task. It's dragons. We have to fight dragons to retrieve something. I-I can't do this. I can't do this." I kept repeating that, slowly descending into a panic attack, one that no one could've predicted.

I was surrounded by my family, the champions, and the Slytherins almost immediately, all who were muttering one of two things: that they were going to kill the headmaster or that they would help me, and that I would be fine. It was nice knowing that there were people willing to help me and that I didn't have to do everything on my own anymore. I slowly calmed down, and once I had, everyone slowly went back to their seats, but I knew they will always help me. 

Suddenly, I yawned. All that crying and my panic attack must've made me tired. Papa took me off of Dray's lap and started rubbing my back softly, humming a soft tune while the others in the room discussed what they should have me learn. I stuffed my face into Papa's neck, and slowly fell asleep, knowing that people are there to help me and that they always would be.

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