My nightmare and another bombshell drops, and I'm the one to drop it.

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"Harry, you can sleep in my bed tonight if you want. I don't mind at all, and all of us Slytherin boys can switch of evry few days so you're always with someone." Draco states. I just nod, tears gathering in my eyes, so happy people actually care for me. He just turns me around and starts to hum a soft tune. I bury my head into his neck and as I drift off, I hear the other Slytherin students stand and come over to place a hand on my back. with the feeling of comfort and safety, for once in my entire life, I drift off into a peaceful sleep, knowing I will soon awaken due to my nightmares.

I dream of my relative Fumbledore and my 'friends'. My uncle is beating me to death, Dumbles is raping me and my friends were laughing and saying everything that has been told to me, I'm worthless, a freak, I don't belong here. I'm begging them to stop and I'm sobbing. Then I hear someone calling my name, and it sounds a little like someone I know. I struggle to focus in on the voice, and after a hard mental struggle to mute the voices in the background, I finally do. It's Draco! I focus on the voice and wake up, flailing and screaming. Once my frantic eyes latch on to Draco's, he pulls me into his chest and starts to soothe me. I stop screaming and flailing almost immediately, and start sobbing into his chest. I feel someone rubbing circles into my back and I hear Draco whispering soothing things into my ears. He smells like vanilla and hair gel. Once I'm calmer, I pull away from him, and see that Pro-Severus is there as well. He must've been the one rubbing the circles into my back. I just hang my head, not wanting them to look at me in the eyes and know I'm a weak freak who doesn't deserve to be alive, and that I should've been killed along my parents. Draco gently lifts my head up and looks into my eyes. He softly asks me what my dream was about, and I tell them and start bawling this time around. The person who pulls me into their chest smells different, like herbs, burning stuff and potions. I knew that it was Severus, and that he would help me. They both soothed me until I stopped crying. When I pulled away this time, Draco pulled my back into his chest. I nuzzled backwards, making myself comfortable. "Harry, your relatives, Dumbles and your ex-friends are wrong. You are nothing of the sort. You are an amazing, strong wizard. You are most definitely NOT a freak." Severus says emphatically. I just nod, not believing his words. Draco pushes me away and turns me to face him, my head hung low. "Harry, he's right. I know it'll take some time for you to trust us, and it'll take a lot of time to change your thoughts about yourself. But we'll work hard to do it. Just listen to us for now. Please." Draco pleads with me, and I look into his eyes and nod after seeing that he was telling the truth. Severus clears his throat and says, "Harry, if you don't mind me asking this, why was Dumbledore in your dream. I know he was the one who made you stay at the Dursley's, but is there another reason? You can tell us anything, I promise you." I look down and nod, and start speaking, "Bumblebee didn't only leave me at the Dursley's and force me to stay there every summer, he was the one who encouraged them to abuse me. He was the one who orchestrated everything that happened over the past few years. He also used the Cruciatus Curse on my multiple times during our lessons. When I was younger, he visited the Dursley's often and r-ra-raped me from when I was 6 on (thy both growl at that), then gave me a lemon drop with a memory charm I in r so I forget about it. Thankfully, I never ate them, just threw them out. Fumbledore has not only hurt me in the same ways as my uncles has done, but in magical ways as well." I whisper, tears streaming down my face. They both hug me and Sev picks me up and begins to rock me to sleep in his arms. The last thing I hear before I fall asleep is both of them saying, "We will always be here for you Harry. Forever and Always."

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