Talking with Mal...Draco, and the betrayals that ruined me

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I take a seat and McGonagall places the hat on my head. Time for you to learn the truth. It's time for you to make real friends, have people to trust, open up about the terrible things that has happened to you, and to gain a family. It's time to see your full potential. Enjoy your time in....SLYTHERIN! The last word he shouted out loud. I sigh, give the hat back to McGonagall and walk over to the Slytherin table. I start to head over to the end of the table, away from everyone, but someone grabs my arm and pull me to sit next to them. Oh, it's Malfoy. Of course it is. This is gonna be great.

"So, Po...Harry, now that you're in Slytherin, we shall begin to treat you as one. You'll also need some allies, and, in truth, you'll probably need some new friends. I, Draco Malfoy, offer myslef and my friends as offerings to you, Boy-Who-Lived. What say you?" Mal...Draco asks me after pompously offering his friendship to me. "I understand and accept, but what do you mean I'll probably need some new friends? I know you don't like Ron and Hermione, but that doesn't mean I need to automatically hate them. If that's what you ask of me, in order to be my friend, i think I decline." I retort. "Harry," I hear someone softly speak my name on the other side of me. It was Blaise. Blaise and I hadn't talked or argued much, so we weren't necessarily friends or enemies. More like aquaintances. "Harry, Draco was saying that you'll probably need more friends because Granger and the Weasels look like their going to hex or kill you. They're probably going to ambush you after dinner. Eat and prepare for a confrontation." He says just as softly as before. I look back at them and see what he was telling me about. You and us, outside of the great hall. Bring the slytherins if you want to. Ron mouthes at me. I nod minutely, and turn around to eat. I didn't say a word. I know I'm dead and that I'm probably going to die today. Great. Just great. "Harry, would you like us to come with you?" Draco whisper-asks me. I nod, grateful that I'll have someone by my side in case this goes bad, which it probably will. I sigh again, and just eat my miniscule amount of food. "Harry, why don't you eaat some more food. I'm sure you're still hungry..."Pansy trails off when I start shaking my head. Due to my relatives treatment of me, I don't have a big appetite. Also, at the Gryffindor table, I am unable to eat a lot because Ron always takes food from my plate if I have 'too much' food on it. I swera, he is a pig that was transfigured into a human. She looks like she wants to ask why not, but I send her a look that says to not ask here. She nods slightly, and I just know that I'm not going to be let off the hook until I give her an answer.

Once we all finished dinner, Draco went to Prof. Snape and told him what was about to happen. When he came back to us, Prof. Snape was following him. "Potter, I expect that you and your new friends come to my office after this quick meeting so we may have a quick chat." He orders, and, swishing his robes behind him, he exited the hall, the other Slytherin's following him. I sigh and head out the other way, knowing that Hermione and Ron, and possibly the other Gryffindors as well are waiting out there. Lo and behold, the Gryffindors are standing in a line, waiting for us as soon as we exit the hall. And they are mad. Just great. Why not just kill me now????? "Potter, why are you a Slytherin? How are you a Slytherin?" Ron asks venomously. I tell him a shrt version of what happend at the original sorting, and my reasons for what had occured, knowing that the Slytherins behind me wee listening. But this story did nothing to hep my cause, the Gryffindors just got madder. They insulted me, and the Slytherins in general before leaving. I noticed that Neville, Dean and Seamus weren't in the crowd. They could be allies. Anyway, before my housemates and I could start heading towards Prof. Snape's room, someone punched me in the jaw. It was Ron. Before anyone could do anything I took care of it. "I'm guessing you guys aren't my friends anymore? And I'm also guessing that you guys have been pretending to be my freinds?" They nod, and I smile sadly. "Well, that resolves everything. I'll see you around. Enjoy your CALM life without me." And I just turn around and walk away. I hear my  new friends rush to catch up with me. I can feel tears falling down my cheeks. I'm slowly breaking. Please, someone help me...

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