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I hear someone's footsteps, then feel someone's arms go around me, picking me up. The person smells like potions and fire, so I know it's Severus. He rubs my back and soothes me until I run out of tears. He takes the hankerchief that Draco offers him, wiping my new tears away. Voldemort and Lucius both tell me that it's ok, and that they forgive me as well, and they let me know I can call them Tom and Lucius. Tom also tells me that he was able to restore his sanity and his appearance recently, and that's why he looks and sounds different. Severus suggests we head to Gringotts, and that Tom, Lucius and Draco come with us. Pansy and Blaise head somewhere to study and prep for the new school year, while we floo to Gringotts.

"Harry, would you like to go through the floo by yourself, or would you like one of us to take you?" Severus asks me, his chest rumbling against my back as he speaks. "I've been through the floo before, it just wasn't a good experience. If non of you mind, may I go with you?" As silence meets my statement, I look down and quickly say, "I mean, I can go by myself if you really want me to come with you. I really don't mind..." before I can continue, Severus cuts in. "Of course we don't mind. I'll go with you. Is everyone ready?" As we all nod, he picks me up and walks to his office's fireplace. He then picks me up again and brings me through the floo to Gringotts, while Voldemort apparates Lucius and himself to the bank. Once they arrive, we go to the tellers table and ask for a meeting with Griphook. When the goblin looked down at us I gasped, it was Griphook! He winked at me, and then went to get "Griphook" while a different goblin came and got us, then brought us to a room. There were 3 chairs. Lucius, Tom and Severus sat down in them, and Severus places me on his lap. "Hello Heir Potter, Lord Prince, Lord Gaunt and Lord Malfoy. I am Griphook, head of this bank. What can I do for you?" Griphook asked us. Before anyone could say anything, I jump in, speaking in Gobbledegook. "Griphook, may I take an inheritance test?" He smirks and nods. While he prepares everything for the test, Severus turns me around in his lap to face him and Tom and Lucius. "What language were you just speaking love?" Sev asks me. I answer with, "Gobbledygook, goblin language. I learned it after my first and only visit until now to Gringotts. Griphook has helped me by letter correspondence. He also helped me claim my lordship" They're all still staring at me, shocked. Griphook clears his throat, and Sev turns me back around. "Lord Potter, if you don't mind, please pick your finger and place 5 drops of blood into this potion. Then I will pour it into this parchment and it will tell us all we need to know about you." He then hands me a needle. Before I prick my finger, Sev grabs it and bites down, hard. He holds it over the potion until 5 drops of my blood was in there, and then he heals it, kissing my finger and then pulling me into a closer embrace. Griphook pours the potion onto the parchment. His eyes widen as he reads the words that appeared on it. "Lord Malfoy, Lord Gaunt, Lord Potter, may I remind you that we here at Gringotts have aligned ourselves with you, and we are independent from Albus Dumbledore." We nod, still confused, and Griphook hands me the test. I read it out loud:
"Fake Birth Certificate
Name: Harry James Potter
Birthday: July 31, 1980
Father: James Charleus Potter (deceased)
Mother: Lillian Mary Potter nee Evans (deceased)
Godfather: Sirius Lupin nee Black (Innocent: was framed by PP)
Godmother: Alice Longbottom (Mentally Insane; St. Mungos Ward)

Real Birth Certificate
Name: Hadrian Luke Malfoy-Riddle
Birthday: September 1st, 1980
Mother: Lucius Abraxus Malfoy-Riddle (living)
Father: Tom Marvolo Malfoy-Riddle aka L. Voldemort (living)
Siblings: Draconian Lucius Malfoy (elder)
Godfather(s): Severus Snape, Sirius Lupin nee Black (all alive and well)
Godmother(s): Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black, Remus Lupin (all alive and well)

Blocks, Spells and Potions:
Learning block – 50% in effect (placed by albus Dumbledore) 
Forced glamour (placed by albus Dumbledore)[broken]
Creature inheritance suppressor potion and spell (placed by albus Dumbledore)  [broken]
Loyalty potion & spell (keyed to albus Dumbledore, Ron weasley, light side, Hermione granger, molly weasley, Ginevra weasley)  [partially-broken]
Hate spell (keyed to slytherins, Voldemort, Severus Snape, dark side, death eaters, Malfoys)  [partially-broken]
Love potion (keyed to Ginevra weasley; comes into effect at the age of 13)  [broken]
Submission spell (placed by albus Dumbledore) [broken] Confundus charm (placed by albus Dumbledore) [broken]

100% Neko (from father and mother)

Mate: Severus Snape (Dominant Vampire/Neko Hybrid)

Dom/Sub: 100% Sub

Heir to:
2nd heir to Riddle
2nd heir to Malfoy

Lord to:
Le fay

Properties: On another list

Notes: Obliiated since 2 months, every year. Glamour since being stolen. Albus Dumbledore stole him at 2 months. Dumbledore is taking money from his account and giving it to The Weasley's, Hermione, Vernon and Petunia, as well as keeping some for himself."
There's a moment of silence, and then my parents are hugging me and my mate, and all I can think is that I've finally got a family who will love me for me.

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