The Goblet of Fire...again, why me???

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That caused me to start crying at the end of my story. "Hey, Hades, baby, what's wrong? Did something bad happen?" Sev asks, turning me around and cuddling me closer to his chest, causing me to cry even more. "N-No it-its nothing b-bad. Y-you guys are j-just so-so nice and-and kind. It-Its overwhelming." I stutter out. "My sweet little seal, can you come here?" Papa asks me softly. I shimmy out of Sev's grasp and crawl into Papa's lap. "You're never going to feel unwanted again. I promise you, we will always love you." He whispers in my hair, petting my tail lightly and lulling me back into a peaceful sleep...or so I thought.


I woke up, panting from another nightmare, this time of my family telling me how they don't really love me and stuff that I know isn't true but it still hurts all the same. I realize I'm being held to someone's chest and the person is saying soothing things into my ears, helping me calm down. It's nice, being cared for you know? It feels...different than what I'm used to. Anyway, once my breathing slows and I calm down, the person holding me registers in my brain and I start whimpering and my breathing gets quicker. Sev, the person holding me, pulls back a little.

"What's wrong Hades?" He asks softly. 

"You-You hate me! I'm worthless! You don't really lo-love me!" I say, crying even harder, curling in on myself. 

"Hades," Sev starts, sounding heartbroken, "who told you that? Why do you think that?"

"In my night-nightmare, all of you were telling me how-how worthless I am and h-how you d-do-don't l-love me" I mutter, not looking up from my lap, avoiding everyone's looks.

Sev quickly gathers me up in his arms and mutters reassurances about their love for me, the others saying things in between his words, and suddenly I'm in the middle of a large group hug of love. It's nice, knowing I am loved. 

At the dinner feast that night

I know Dumbles has something planned with the tournament, and I wasn't going to like it. I knew this because he kept staring at me with a sh**-eating grin on his face. As soon as he announced that he was going to pull the chosen champions for the schools, I whispered into Dray's ear that he was going to do something, and to act mad at me when my name was, most likely, pulled. He told the others and they all looked at me with sorrow, as they knew that this year would be tough for me. My name was pulled and they played their part well as I walked to the side room. Dumbles came in and pushed me hard enough against a table that I quietly whimpered in pain, and Sev as well as the other champions who were close enough to hear it looked at me with concern in their eyes. Dumbles yelled at me, asking if I put my name in the Goblet, but it was clearly a show as I could see the glee in his eyes when Barty Crouch Sr. said that I had to participate. I quickly left, the other champions and Sev quietly following as I headed to the ROR, wanting some comfort from my family and mate as well as to explain to the 3 champs what happened to the Harry Potter they'd heard about.

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