Draco's Reaction and Slytherins Unite!

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There's a moment of silence, and then my parents are hugging me and my mate, and all I can think is that I've finally got a family who will love me for me.

"We should get back so we can talk to Draco, as well as the other Slytherins so they can help keep you safe, Hadrian," Lucius suggested, still holding me tightly to his chest. Tom and Severus had already let go of me, but Lucius just couldn't. "So you guys still want me? Also, could we remove the blocks on me before we go?" I ask, shying away from looking in their eyes, afraid of rejection. "Of course we still want you! And we definitely take off those nasty blocks before we leave." Tom states looking at me fondly and with love. Griphook clears his throat and hands me 4 potions and told me to drink them. Lucius passed me to Sev, who helped me drink them and held me while the changes occurred. After the burning and tingling stopped, I heard gasps, and crhithen I'm surrounded by arms again. I'm then pulled into Tom's lap and rocked back and forth, while he whispered words of love and forgiveness into my ear. I nuzzle into his chest and mouth against it that I love him back. I can feel his arms tighten slightly against my body, and I muzzle even further into his embrace. He then stands up, easily lifting me into his arms, and thanks Griphook for their help and the others do the same. I just look at Griphook and smile, and he smiled back, his face softening. Then Tom being me over to the floo and transports us back to Sev's office, where Draco is waiting patiently. When he sees us come through the floo, he jumps up and immediately behind checking me over, never once realizing how different I look. Once he's assured himself I'm fine, Sev and Lucious have come back, and Sev rushes over to give me a quick once over as well. Once everyone has checked me does Draco seem to see my new looks. "Harry, why are you shorter? And why do you look like me?" he asks, looking very confused. "That's because I am not Harry Potter. My name is Hadrian Luke Malfoy-Riddle. Nice to finally meet you, big brother." I say, watching his face as it does from shock to surprise to anger then to happiness. He runs to me and hugs me very tightly to himself and apologizing for everything he's done to me. I forgive him and his him back. Once he pulls away, Tom asks him to go gather the other Slytherins in the common room. Lucius then asks me to call him Mama and Tom tells me to call him Papa. When Draco comes in to tell us that the Slytherins are waiting for us, Tom has just finished his statement, so he added his own in. "Hades, you can call me Dray if you like." He says looking nervously at me. I smile and say "I would love to call you guys Mama, Papa, and Dray. Gives me the feeling of belonging and having a family." As soon as I finished that statement, I'm swept up into a hug by someone with blond hair. I tense up, but once I smell their smell (vanilla and honey) I know its Dray. "You'll always have a family with us," he says into my ear, and I can hear the truth and conviction in his voice. I nod and then snuggle into him a little more when he goes to put me down. He laughs and just holds me closer as we all walk out of the office. All the Slytherins look in our direction and gasp. "Hadrian? Is that you?" Marcus asks, shock clearly written on his face. Everyone who knows nods and the whole of Slytherin rushed towards us and we had a huge group hug. When they pulled away they asked us where I was and how they found me. We explained everything and everyone wanted to kill Dumbles. Then, just like the night before, Dray held me as I slowly fell asleep with the Slytherins hands on my back. I finally have a family and people who love me. It's a great feeling, being loved. I fall asleep at that though with a smile on my face.

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