A Much-Needed Conversation

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Dumbles yelled at me, asking if I put my name in the Goblet, but it was clearly a show as I could see the glee in his eyes when Barty Crouch Sr. said that I had to participate. I quickly left, the other champions and Sev quietly following as I headed to the ROR, wanting some comfort from my family and mate as well as to explain to the 3 champs what happened to the Harry Potter they'd heard about.

It's as if my family knew when something goes wrong with me because they're all waiting for me in the ROR when I get there, and it seems like they've already explained what's going on to the other champions, as well as my parents learning what has happened. I can tell because the champions look shocked but protective, and my parents don't even say a word, they just open their arms with small smiles on their faces. I immediately run into their embrace, the tears beginning to stream down my face.

Mama takes me onto his lap and starts to rock me slightly, murmuring comforting words, helping me to slowly calm down. When my tears finally stop, he conjures up a warm cloth and wipes away the dried tracks on my face. He then places me on Sev's lap, who has managed to sit right next to my dad and Draco. Draco immediately grabs my hand and starts rubbing small circles on it, especially when the Slytherins started arriving. I tensed up, waiting for shouting, accusations, but all I get are hugs, kisses, and comforting words.

Once everyone had sat down, I looked around, still waiting to see hatred, anger, anything directed at me that is a sign that I may get hurt. But I don't see anything. Sev starts to rub circles into my back, relaxing me from a tense position I hadn't even realized I was in. He puts his mouth on my ear and whispers, "Hades, darling, nothing is going to happen to you here. We love you. We would never hurt you or be angry at/with you for no reason. Even if we were, we would discuss it with you before punishing you in any way."

I fully relax after hearing those words from my mate, I needed that reassurance. Sev then asks if he could check my back while I tell the family and everyone what had happened. I nod and he takes off my shirt, and once again there are gasps, this time from the 3 champions who had no idea what had happened to me. In addition, my family and the Slytherins gasp at the damage that Dumbledore had caused. I begin speaking,

"Before anyone can ask what happened, I'll let you know it was Dumbledore's fault. Now, I'm going to tell my story from the very beginning so that the 3 champions can understand what's going on and then I'll tell you all about what happened after my name was called. If you'd like to, I give you all permission to help Sev, my parents, and Dray heal my wounds and apply the pastes and such that I need." After I finished my mini-speech, everyone nods and begin to move around quietly and help Sev and my family heal my back and apply what was necessary. The 3 champions also stood up and sat down right in front of me so that they could see and hear me better. 

"So Cedric, Fleur, Viktor, would you like to know the truth about me? Do you swear not to tell anyone what I say in this room?"

"Yes, we swear to not reveal anything we were told or shown in this room to anyone." They replied in unison.

"Ok. All I ask is that you don't interrupt my story." They nod and I begin telling them exactly what I told the Slytherins at the beginning of this crazy year. I get choked up a few times, and actually have to stop twice to cry and be comforted. But once I finish the tale of my past, I have 3 more allies in this crazy world I have been thrown into. They start asking my parents and Sev questions about the scars, abuse, and the treatments they've been giving me. Fleur surprisingly is training to become a healer, and she had a few suggestions and changes to my treatment that my parents and Sev seemed to like, as they immediately agreed to apply the changes. It's nice, having so many people loving me and taking care of me. 

Mama then asks about what happened in the champions chamber. I tell them exactly what happened, and they are not happy with the fact that I have to participate. But, I can tell that they aren't mad at me, rather at Dumbledore, who is the one who clearly planned all of this. 

I'm so exhausted from all the events today, that I fall asleep in Sev's arms as they discuss with the other champions ways to protect me and help me through the tasks. 

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