Classes and a breakdown

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A/N - sorry for not posting in a long time - high school has been killing me. I'll try to update more often, but there aren't any promises. Also, feel free to leave ideas at the end of the chapter for where I should go with this story. I'm writing this for you guys, so I would love your input!

Then, just like the night before, Dray held me as I slowly fell asleep with the Slytherins hands on my back. I finally have a family and people who love me. It's a great feeling, being loved. I fall asleep at that though with a smile on my face.

When I wake up, I realize I'm not in Draco's room, or in any one of the Slytherin dorms. The room I'm in looks much nicer and definitely has a bigger bed. "Hmm...Hades love, you ok? You didn't have a nightmare, did you?" Sev asks sleepily, rubbing my back softly as he pulled me closer to his warm body. "No, I actually slept very well," I say, shocked by the thought that I had a dreamed and peaceful sleep last night. It was my first in a very long time. "That's great baby, but it's 2 in the morning, go back to sleep. I'll wake you when it's time to go to breakfast," he says, softly kissing my neck and turning me over. "Sorry for waking you up, " I mutter, nuzzling my face into his neck, waiting for scathing words and some kind of punishment. "It's fine Hades, I'm not going to punish you for waking up. Now, go back to sleep and I'll wake you for breakfast." Sev says softly, carding his fingers through my hair, lulling me into a deep sleep once again.
After breakfast
My first class today is Potions with the Gryffindors so I get to see Sev today! I have a 'Harry Potter' glamor on, so Bumblebee and my old friends don't know that I have found my try family, or had my inheritance. It's hard being away from my mate, but having Dray stick by me the entire time makes it slightly better. He's holding my hand under the table and the other Slytherins seem to form a human wall/border between us and the rest of the school. It's nice to finally have people protect me, instead of me protecting them. The older students who don't have classes, as well as the rest of the 4th year Slytherins walk us down to the dungeons in this formation, and the upper-years (A/N - I don't know exactly what to call them) stay until Sev opens the door and nods at them, giving them permission to leave. As we walk past Sev, he lies his hand against my back softly, and I smile, quickly meeting his eyes, and then go back to talking with Dray about the Patronus Charm, and how I managed to do it. He listened intently and praised me for being able to do it in my 3rd year, as well as asking if I wouldn't mind teaching the charm to the other Slytherins, and I nodded happily, glad that there are people out there who are willing to actually listen to me as well as be proud of my accomplishments. 
After classes
"Come on Harry, let's go back to the common room," Blaise said after dinner, pulling me with him to the common room while the other Slytherins rush to form their human wall around us. When we enter the room, I run into my parents' waiting arms, and sigh in relief, feeling the tension and stress of the day fade away as I relax into their strong arms. After I've relaxed enough, I pull away and give them a big smile before heading over to sit in my mate's lap. I expect him to push me away or to just ignore me, but Sev just chuckles and wraps his arms around me, allowing me to cuddle into his chest. "So Hades, how was your day?" Mama asks, smiling at me. I tell them in great detail about my day and see Dray, Marcus, Blaise, Daphne, Pansy, and Theodore head over halfway through to join us, not interrupting me for a second. That caused me to start crying at the end of my story. "Hey, Hades, baby, what's wrong? Did something bad happen?" Sev asks, turning me around and cuddling me closer to his chest, causing me to cry even more. "N-No it-its nothing b-bad. Y-you guys are j-just so-so nice and-and kind. It-Its overwhelming." I stutter out. "My sweet little seal, can you come here?" Papa asks me softly. I shimmy out of Sev's grasp and crawl into Papa's lap. "You're never going to feel unwanted again. I promise you, we will always love you." He whispers in my hair, petting my tail lightly and lulling me back into a peaceful sleep...or so I thought.

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