Snape and opening up to the Slytherins about the abuse I have suffered

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Anyway, before my housemates and I could start heading towards Prof. Snape's room, someone punched me in the jaw. It was Ron. Before anyone could do anything I took care of it. "I'm guessing you guys aren't my friends anymore? And I'm also guessing that you guys have been pretending to be my freinds?" They nod, and I smile sadly. "Well, that resolves everything. I'll see you around. Enjoy your CALM life without me." And I just turn around and walk away. I hear my new friends rush to catch up with me. I can feel tears falling down my cheeks. I'm slowly breaking. Please, someone help me...

"Harry. Harry. Calm down. Harry!" I hear someone calling me. Someone then picks me up and carries me somewhere. I hear someone speaking to someone else. I am then passed into the muscled arms of another person. A deep baritone voice speaks. "Mr. Potter, please drink this potion." Something disgusting is then placed in my mouth, and I try to swallow, but instead I start choking. Someone's hands start to gently massage my throat, and I reflexively swallow. Slowly my vision cleared and I realized where I am. I'm in the Slytherin Common room and all the Slytherins are sitting on various chairs or on the floor, looking at me. I was sitting on Blaise's lap. I blushed, and slid off of his lap muttering a thanks. "No problem Harry." He answers. "Mr. Potter, what happened that made you react like this? What made you have a panic attack?" Prof. Snape asked. "Ron and Hermione were always pretending to be my friends. The Gryffindors hate me. Ron was the only way for me to get away from my relatives. Now what? I suffer every summer in silence." I answer bitterly. "Harry, what do mean that he was the only way to get away from your relatives? What happens every summer? Also, I was the one to carry you here from the hallway. Why are you so light?" Draco asks me, sounding concerned. Before I can answer, Pansy jumps in, "Why don't you eat a lot Harry? Why are you so skinny?" "All I ask is that you do not interrupt me, and that you'll believe what I say. I'll answer any questions you have at the end, I just don't want to repeat his twice." I say and they all nod. So I begin the horrific story of my childhood. "As you all know, I was left with my muggle relatives after my parents died. You all think I was pampered, spoiled and loved. I wasn't. I was hated by my relatives and cousin. They don't like magic, and they always liked to punish me for doing it accidentally. I was fine until I turned 3. When I turned 3, that's when everything started. Until then, I had only been called names, and lightly slapped around. My uncle, on my 3rd birthday started to become more harsh with my punishments. I started to do everything around the house at the time, and if I didn't finish everything, he would beat or whip me. If I burned any meal, he would burn my skin. If the food or the grass wasn't cut correctly, he would cut me. I guess you could say, the punishment for the crime. My cousin started to beat me when I was 4. He made sure I never had friends and he would join in with his father for some of my punishments. I was first raped by my uncle when I was 7. After that, at least once a day, I was raped by either my uncle, my cousin or one of their friends. All of this got worse when I turned 11 and started Hogwarts. They starved me from the moment I was placed at their house, both in food and affection. That's why I can't eat much, and that's why I'm so light. I'm also really small because of that as well. And that was my childhood, and that's how I'm treated now, but worse." I finish my story. I look around and see horror and tears in most of the Slytherins faces. Prof. Snape, Draco, Pansy, Blaise and surprisingly Daphne, Theodore and Marcus were seething in anger, and they were all looking at me. I thought they were angry at me, and I followed my ingrained reaction and curled into a ball and pleaded with them to not hurt me and that I'll do better. I heard gasps, and then felt soft, muscular arms around me, picking me up and placing me in their lap. "Harry, relax. We are never going to hurt you. You're safe here." It was Prof. Snape and he soothes me until I stoped muttering and my muscles un-tensed. He then continued to rub circles into my back. Theodore, Daphne and Marcus all cane up to me and apologized for the way they had treated me, and Marcus said that I'm the Slytherin Quidditch Team Seeker. Then I answered questions from all the Slytherins. One Slytherin, I think she was a first year, asked me if I had tried to tell anyone. "I did try to tell my friends, Ron's family and Prof. Dumbledore, as well as some of the teachers here. They all said that I was overreacting about a little punishment and to not think that because I'm the Boy-who-lived I am automatically loved by all. After that, I just kept it to myself." I answered quietly. Snape just kept rubbing my back. "Harry, after what you just told me, I think I should do a medical scan on you. I'm sure you have scars. May I do a scan and can you show us the scars? We won't be mad no matter what shows up, we promise." Snape said. "Ok sir." I answer, looking down. He puts a finer under my chin and pulls it up so I'm looking in his eyes. "We promise we will not be mad, and Harry, you can call me Severus." I see the truth in his eyes and I nod. He places me on Draco's lap, and he wraps his arms around me. He conducts the scan, and then nods for me to show the scars. I close my eys, and take a deep breath. As I release the breath, I release the glamor. I don't hear anything, I only feel the arms around me get slightly tighter. I open my eyes and see the Slytherins, even Sn...Severus have tears in their eyes. "Harry, something you should know. Most of us Slytherins have been abused by our guardians. But it was never as bad as yours. Are you in any pain? Is there any aches?" Severus asks. "Not really, but I guess that could be because I'm used to being in pain all the time." I answer him honestly, and I see a few winces through the crowd. "Take off your shirt and pants. You can leave your boxers on of course." He orders. He then summons some potions and pastes and has Draco help me swallow the potions, and the other Slytherins help with applying the pastes. The scan finishes up and Severus casts a spell to highlight anything life threatening, and he summos more pastes and potions and the same thing happens. Draco feeds me the potions, and the rest of the people help with the pastes. "Harry, do you have nightmares?" Draco asks. I just nod. "Do you want a dreamless sleep potion, or do you want to sleep in one of the beds with one of us?" Blaise asks me. I think about it, and then answer with, "Dreamless Sleep makes me feel weird, and I still get nightmares. If no one minds, can I sleep with one of you? If you mind, I can sleep in my own bed, and I'll make sure I don't disturb you." Severus has a confused look on his face. "Harry, I jusst want to know, how are you going to make sure we don't wake up when you have a nightmare, and have you done this before? If you have, how long have you been doing it, where have you done it, and why do you do it?" He asks. "Umm, well...I place a silencing charm on my bed curtains. I have done this before. I do it every summer at the Burrow because I forgot one night and they were mad I intruded on their sleep. I also do it here, in the Gryffindor tower because they'll kill me if I disturb their rest." I answer nervously. The arms around me tighten imperceptively. "Harry, you don't need to do that anymore. We'll all help you through your nightmares." Pansy says. All the Slytherins nod. "Harry, you can sleep in my bed tonight if you want. I don't mind at all, and all of us Slytherin boys can switch of evry few days so you're always with someone." Draco states. I just nod, tears gathering in my eyes, so happy people actually care for me. He just turns me around and starts to hum a soft tune. I bury my head into his neck and as I drift off, I hear the other Slytherin students stand and come over to place a hand on my back. with the feeling of comfort and safety, for once in my entire life, I drift off into a peaceful sleep, knowing I will soon awaken due to my nightmares.

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