Inheritance? Mate?! What in tarnations is happeing right now?!!!!!!!!

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A/N - If you want to see my whole speech, then check out my other 2 books. All I'm saying here is that I'm going to be on a hiatus/slow update mode with all of my books and I ask that you all have a little patience because I am becoming very busy as the school year is about to begin. I will try to update as much as possible, but chapters take days to write now because I just don't have a lot of spare time. Enjoy the story and thanks for reading!

They both hug me and Sev picks me up and begins to rock me to sleep in his arms. The last thing I hear before I fall asleep is both of them saying, "We will always be here for you Harry. Forever and Always."

The next morning I snap open my eyes to bright sunlight. I quickly close them and burrow my head into my nice, warm, breathing pillow...wait, breathing?! As I open my eyes again, this time a lot slower, I realize I'm in the Slytherin Dorms, and I'm using Draco Malfoy's chest as a pillow. I remember what happened last night, and I sigh. The fingers that I never noticed in my hair stop moving, but when I whine, they continue to comb through my hair. I look up into Draco's eyes and he smiles at me. I give a small one back and get up to go take a shower and get dressed. Draco starts to speak to me, "Harry, all the Slytherins wrote to their parents about you and what you've gone through, and they've decided to meet you tonight and see what they can do to help and heal you. A lot of the Slytherin parents have gone through abuse and they can help you more than ya Slytherins can. Don't worry, we'll all be there to support you, and no one coming is out to get you." He looks me in the eye the entire time he tells me this so I know he isn't lying to me and they really want to help. I nod, although feeling a little wary about meeting those that were my enemies a few months ago. He smiles again, and gives me a hug just as Sna...Severus walks through the door and starts talking, also looking into my eyes. "As I'm sure you've already heard what is happening tonight, I wish to tell you that there will be an addition to tonight's meeting. Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort will be coming tonight to see you and, hopefully, make peace with you." I just gulp and nod at the information, then look down quickly, not wanting them to see the fear in my eyes. A pair of black boot enter my vision and a slender finger pulls my chin up so I can look into their eyes. "I promise you Harry, he is NOT here to hurt you like Dumbledore and your friends have, and neither is anyone else coming today. Draco and I will be right next to you the entire time. No one will touch you if you don't want them to." I nod and bury my head into his chest, sobbing at the feeling of being loved. Then, I cry out in pain. "Harry, what is it? Where does it hurt?" I hear Draco ask me, but I can't answer so I point to everywhere. "Draco, it's his inheritance. He's going through his inheritance. Hold him while I go to grab the potions we need." I hear Severus say, and I'm passed into more muscular arms, right before I cry out in pain again. Draco carries me somewhere and sits down on a comfortable chair with me in his lap. He rubs circles into my back while humming some lullaby-ish tune. I relax a little, and continue to relax as he continues his ministrations. Severus come back I think because the next hung I know, a potion vial is placed near my mouth. "Harry, this is a dreamless sleep potion, it'll help you go though this in minimal pain." I chug it down, and I'm plunged into calming blackness.

1/2 an hour later...

When I wake up, I'm back on the bed, and once again my pillow is breathing and warm. When I open my eyes, I notice it's not Draco I'm laying on this time, it's Severus. When our eyes meet, I don't know why I do this, but I literally jump in him and hiss "mate!", then look at him with a question in my eyes. He smiles and nods, then answers my unspoken question, "Harry? This morning you went into an early creature inheritance. You're a Neko. Every creature has a soulmate, someone who they love, and who will live them back. I'm your soulmate, and you are mine. To tell you the truth, I've always had not-so-appropriate feelings for you, and if I'm right, the same happened with you." I blush and nod, then bury my head into Severus' chest. He chuckles and pets my head, and I just melt. He tells me he is a Neko as well, but is also part vampire. And that being a Neko means we have cat ears and a cat tail, as well as that we show some cat-like traits. He's my dominant, which means he is really over-protective of me, and I'm the submissive which means I can bear children as well as I am very emotional. I'll also go
into heats 4 times a year, and this is when I can make a child. Then he tells me something, surprising. "Harry, after your inheritance, not only did you gain the normal Neko traits, but your appearance has changed drastically. You look more like Tom and Luc than Lily and James. Your eyes are a bright blue and red, and your hair is somewhat long and curly. After tonight, we're going to head to Gringotts to see what's going on. Ok?" I nod again, and he continues to pet my ears and he also starts to softly pet my tail. I just purrrrrr. We do that for another hour or so, and just talk about small things. Then it's time to get ready for tonight. Sev gives me some of his clothes and shrinks them a little so they fit well. We head down to meet the Slytherin parents, the ones who will help me, and not hurt me...

I hope.........

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