Meeting the Parents

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Then it's time to get ready for tonight. Sev gives me some of his clothes and shrinks them a little so they fit well. We head down to meet the Slytherin parents, the ones who will help me, and not hurt me...I hope......

When I enter the common room, everyone stops talking and looks at me. I shrink a little under their stares, but Severus' constant hand on my shoulder helps me not shrink too much. I walk over to the couch that Draco, Blaise and Pansy are sitting on. I sit in between Draco and Pansy, and Severus sits next to me. I can see Voldemort and Lucius Malfoy sitting right in front of us. I take a deep breath to prepare myself, and start talking. I tell them everything that has occurred throughout the years and told them about the abuse. I showed them the healing scars, and I also had Severus help me project my memories so they know I'm not lying. Draco told them about the nightmares I have, mentioning what happened last night. I then talk about how this affected me. I told them I had a stutter until I was 8. I can't stand loud noises and I also do not like being the center of attention. My eyesight is terrible, and I can get sick often. I power through anything and don't really care for my well-being because I had never been able to do that, and I have come to have every fear known to mankind. The Slytherins make no comments or noises through my whole story, although their faces grow progressively paler. Throughout the entire story, I kept my eyes on the far wall, not wanting to see their reactions, only glancing towards them a few times. Once I'm done, I slam the faces to see if there's any of them smiling because these people hated me originally. To my surprise, I see no happiness, they're all looking at me sadly, but the ones that surprise me the most are Voldemort and Mr. Malfoy. There are tears streaming down both of their faces. The parents all come up one by one and introduce themselves to me, and promise to help me to the best of their ability. They also talk a little with Severus about what has been done to heal the damage. Once all the parents (excluding Voldy and Lucius) can up to talk to me, they all left. Draco turns me to face him and asks if I'm ok, ignoring the fact that Voldemort and his father are still in the room. U shake my head, and throw myself into his open arms, sobbing. He starts to rub my back, whispering comforting words into my ear, slowly calming me down. I can hear Severus, Pansy and Blaise explain some things, such as my inheritance and Severus being my mate, to Voldy and Lucius while he does this. I eventually calmed down enough to pull my head away from where I'd buried it in his neck. He took out a handkerchief and wiped my tears away and then turned me around to face his father and Voldemort, but still keeping me in his lap. I sigh, and say, "Get it over with. Say what you want." I was prepared for them to say that I deserved it and to maybe even kill me. I wasn't prepared for what they actually did. They stood, kneeled down in front of me and took my hands, with tears still streaming down their faces. "Harry, I'm so sorry for everything I've done to you. Had I known what you'd been going through, I would've helped. I'm sorry for trying to kill you, and for making your life terrible." Lucius says softly, looking into my eyes so I know he's telling the truth. Before I can say anything to him, Voldemort jumps in. "Harry, im also sorry for all I've done. I was abused and neglected once as well, and if I knew that you were going through the same thing, I would've helped you. I'm sorry for trying to kill you and for killing your parents." I take a deep breath, and start speaking, "I forgive you guys and I'm sorry for what I've done to you. I should've known better than to follow Dimbledore and his chickens. I should've known better than to trust people who only loved me for my fame. I-I'm so-sorry!" I cry out at the end, bawling. I hear someone's footsteps, then feel someone's arms go around me, picking me up. The person smells like potions and fire, so I know it's Severus. He rubs my back and soothes me until I run out of tears. He takes the hankerchief that Draco offers him, wiping my new tears away. Voldemort and Lucius both tell me that it's ok, and that they forgive me as well, and they let me know I can call them Tom and Lucius. Tom also tells me that he was able to restore his sanity and his appearance recently, and that's why he looks and sounds different. Severus suggests we head to Gringotts, and that Tom, Lucius and Draco come with us. Pansy and Blaise head somewhere to study and prep for the new school year, while we floo to Gringotts.

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