The Re-Sort. Why me?

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Trigger Warning! Contains Rape and Child Abuse

Finally. Back at Hogwarts. I mean, it's not like I enjoy being put into danger often, but it's much safer that staying with Uncle Vernon. Anyway, I'm just chatting with Hermione and Ron about the past summer, excluding all parts of my abuse. Don't want anyone to know about that. We quiet down for the sorting of the first years, and when that's fine we turn to Dumbledore to hear his little welcome speech before we eat any food. But as he stands up to say his few words, the sorting hat yells out, "STOP! My name is Alastair. I have made a huge mistake. There is a student I wish to resort. He has been walking around in the wrong house for the past 3 years. I must rectify that. HARRY POTTER, please come up and place me on your head so you may be re-sorted." I slowly stand up and walk up to the stool. I take a seat and McGonagall places the hat in my head. Time for you to learn the truth. It's time for you to make real friends, have people to trust, open up about the terrible things that has happened to you, and to gain a family. It's time to see your full potential. Enjoy your time in....SLYTHERIN! The last word he shouted out loud. I sigh, give the hat back to McGonagall and walk over to the Slytherin table. I start to head over to the end of the table, away from everyone, but someone grabs my arm and pull me to sit next to them. Oh, it's Malfoy. Of course it is. This is gonna be great.

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