magnolia • sixteen

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Truth be told, Hades knew nothing about watching over a baby. Even with Mal, she would cry and he wouldn't know what to do. Of course, Maleficent just told him to let her cry until she eventually tired herself out. However, this was different because he was encouraged to care for his son, to watch him grow, to love him.

Love? Hades thought to himself.

Can he learn to love?

He loves Mal, his little girl. Of course he can love Hadie. Hades looked down in his arms to find the baby asleep once more. He hurried back to his cave and locked the gates once he was inside. As he walked further into the caves, the sudden loud recorded barking started up. Unfortunately for father and son, the loud sound woke Hadie abruptly.

Hadie looks up to the man with blue hair. Where was his mother? Why was he not in her arms? The lack of mama, being in the arms this strange man he sees sometimes, and the loud scary noise caused his bottom lip to quiver.

Hades noticed the action, recognizing it all to well. Hadie let out the loudest wail his little lungs possibly could. Hades panicked at the sudden crying. He rocked Hadie back and forth but nothing was working. It only seemed to make him cry louder and more tears were falling out. The wailing echoed through the cave and Hades hurried to his bunker. He hurried down the wooden steps to stop the record from playing. Now it was just the crying bouncing off the walls. He had to make it stop. Hades put Hadie down on the couch and backed away. He stared at the baby as it just continued wailing and wiggling around.

"Come on, buddy. Can't you stop crying?" Hades pleads as if Hadie understood. Hadie only stared up at him and continued his actions. Hades watched as his son eventually gets one of his chubby little arms out of the blanket. Hades unwraps Hadie out of the blanket and lets him stretch. Father watches son wiggle around and slowly starts to calm himself.

Hadie looks around the new environment he was in. Nothing at at all like the cozy space of home. Nor the lumpy couch, nothing like his crib. And the stranger with blue hair, nothing the warmth of his mother and her safe arms. Too much emotion and anxiety built into the baby that he started to cry again.

Hades only panicked. Not knowing what to do he just paced around as his son cried himself.

What would Nyssa do?

Rock him? Baby didn't seem to want to be in his arms.

Feed him? Hades goes through the bag that Nyssa packed him and took out a baby bottle out. Immediately he shakes it in Hadie's face to tempt him, but Hadie just wails more.

What else? What else? Hades thinks. He checks to see if maybe Hadie was just bothered by a wet diaper, but no. He tries to think back to a normal day, what does Nyssa do when the boys are fussy?

She sings...

Hades picks up Hadie and rocks the one-year old in his arms. Hadie isn't wailing as loudly as before but still whines.

"I don't know many lullabies so bare with me, kid."

Then he started to sing a jolly little jig that he hears the pirates belt out on the docks. He made many motions with Hadie in his arms. The baby did cease crying and even stared up at his father in curiosity. Hades took it as a good sign and continued as he walks around his loft.

Eventually the song did come to an end and Hades did expect his son to cry once more, but nothing happened. His son was tucked into his arms staring up and smiling with a mainly gummy smile, only the two front teeth there.

"You liked that, didn't you? I've been told before I have a great voice." Hades jokes though he doesn't expect a reaction or answer, petting the squishy cheek of his son. Hadie squirms around and lets out a big yawn.

"Time to sleep, huh? Come on, dude. We were just starting to have fun here." Hadie lets out another yawn and shuts his eyes. Hades sighs in defeat. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It's late and I do need my beauty sleep."

By the time Hades prepared a four walled pillow barrier to lay Hadie in, the baby was already sleeping soundly. Didn't react to being moved or wake up suddenly. Hades himself laid next to his and watched his baby boy. He had done the same with Mal, could just lay there for hours and watch as she slept, waiting for her to wake up and be the first to greet her. Now he's doing it with Hadie, and it was soothing. I filled his heart with love and just wanted to cuddle with baby boy, but chose not to in fear of waking him.

Hades didn't know when he ended up falling asleep, but the next time he woke up it was with a slap on his face. He opened his heavy eyes and tried to focus his vision. He heard some giggling and was slapped on the forehead before being pulled by his blue hair with a super grip.

"Oww oww oww owwwwwww!" Hades hisses. A burst of giggles let out and his vision finally focused on his now wake son leaning on his and pulling his hair. Hades looked around for his clock, noting that it was not yet even four a.m.

Noting by how energetic his son looked, he was not going back to sleep anytime soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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