magnolia •thirteen

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(Seven years on the Isle of the Lost)

Nyssa sat in the kitchen with Kovu across from her. He sipped tea she made him, but set it down. No matter how many times he tells himself he hates tea, he could never say no to Nyssa's tea, or Nyssa for that matter.

Nyssa took note of Kovu's face. It was beaten up, bruises and cuts on his brow and lip. She shook her head and stood to get the first aid kit.

"What happened this time?" Nyssa asks and sits next to him.

"I ran into my old pride. Zira and Nuka weren't too happy to see me." Kovu winces when Nyssa cleans the dry blood off his cuts. It stung but he stares at Nyssa and feels slightly better.

"What the hell were you doing on that side of the isle?" Nyssa questions him in worry tone.

"Just running a few errands when I ran into them. I think their still angry at me." Kovu jokes through the pain. Nyssa continues to clean him up and bandage him up when the door flies up. The sound of heavy boots hit the floor and Kovu stood up with his fangs and claws out ready to fight. Walking in the kitchen, it was Hades.

Hades held Hadie in his arm as if he were a bag. Hadie didn't seem to mind since he was giggling and kicking his feet. When Hadie saw the sight of Kovu, he squirms around in Hades' arm. Nyssa smiles at her son and takes him in her arms. Hadie immediately grabs Nyssa's hair and pulls gently, refusing to be taken out of her arms from now until he takes him nap. Kovu hold out his finger for the baby boy to take.

"Hey there, little man." Kovu says to the baby. Hadie giggles again making Hades glares at Kovu.

"What is he doing here?" Hades ask Nyssa. Nyssa opens her mouth to answer, but Kovu steps up.

"I don't remember this being your home." Kovu says. Hades growls making Kovu growl back. Nyssa smacked Hades hard on the shoulder. Kovu smirked, but that earned him a smack himself. Hadie was the one to giggle and waved his hands around like his mother.

"It isn't, but he's welcomed anytime. Just like you." Nyssa says to Kovu. Her nose crinkles up and looks at Hadie.

"Oh, someone has a stinky diaper." Nyssa says to Hadie who is happy. She looks at Hades and Kovu and says, "I'll be right back. Play nice."

She walks upstairs with Hadie, leaving the men to their jealousy of one another.


"You should leave." Hades growls. Kovu crosses his arms. Hades wanted to box him in the head and toss him to Cerberus like a piece of meat, but he didn't have his godly strength or his hell-hound.

"Why? I'm just as much welcomed here as you. Nyssa said so herself." Kovu mocks him with a smirk on his face. Hades couldn't exactly kick him not. This wasn't him house...yet.

"Because if you don't, I'll turn you to barbecue. Is that I good enough reason?" Hades asks rhetorically to Kovu.

"I could tear you to pieces." Kovu threats.

"I could burn you to a crisp." Hades says loud. "You think you're better than me, boy? Better than a God?!"

"Who's a God? You? A man who abandoned one child to be with another, only to abandon that one as well?" Kovu questions him. Hades stands there in shock and Kovu continues when seeing the look on his face. "Yes, I know it all. I know about the other child, a daughter."

"Who told you that?" Hades asks. Could it have been... NO, she won't. Nyssa wouldn't expose his relationship like that. No one is to know that Mal was his daughter. The only ones who knew was Maleficent, Hades, and Nyssa. Kovu didn't get a chance to say another word before the sound of padding tiny feet hit the wooden floor hard while running. Little Inizio turns the corner and halts .

"Mama... wherw mama?" His soft voice asks. Hades and Kovu turn to the left to see Inizio leaning on the frame, looking up at the adults. The men both back away of each other and keep a distance. Inizio wobbly walks towards Kovu and holds his arms up to be picked up by the man-lion. Kovu picks the son of his friend up and holds him close.

"How are you, Izio?" Kovu asks. Inizio went on the babble about something Kovu couldn't understand but he nods anyways. Hades glares and, without much thinking, forcefully and harshly takes Inizio into his own arms. Inizio, scared at the action, violently moves around, trying to get out of the blue man's arms. He stares screaming in protest and hits Hades repeated in the face. Hades grabs his little hands and forces them to Inizio's side.

"NO!" Hades shouts. Inizio looks at his in the eyes calm before his face started to scrunch up and he took in a big breath. He lets out that breath with a cry along with his face starting to turn red and tears falling out. Hades' eyes widen large and he starts to panic. He tries rocking Inizio to quiet him down but nothing was working. Usually it worked for Mal and Hadie, but Inizio didn't seem to want to calm down. Inizio cries louder and louder. Hades, out of a panic, hands the boy back to Kovu.

Kovu rolls his eyes and gently cradles Inizio the way Nyssa showed him. He remembers from months ago when he wanted to do something nice for Nyssa. He learned how to take care of those kids and he treats them like his own.

Inizio soon starts to quiet down but still whimpering. He just wanted his mama. A few moments later footsteps come down the stairs and Nyssa hurries into the kitchen with a sleeping Hadie in her arms. She did here the crying and raced quickly, not even putting Hadie down first.

"What happened?" Nyssa asks quietly. She looks to his baby boy in Kovu's arms and places her hand on his head. "What happened, my little love? Why were you crying?" She asks softly. Inizio stares at her and tries to reach for her. Nyssa turns to Hades and gives him Hadie before she turns and grabs Inizio from Kovu.

Inizio lays his head on her chest and closes his eyes.

"My poor boy." Nyssa says. She didn't know what happened, but she was able to tell that he was a little distressed. She looks up to Hades who was careful cradling Hadie in his arms. She asks him, "What happened?"

What was Hades supposed to say? That he forcefully removed Inizio from Kovu's arms because he was jealous of the fact that Inizio likes Kovu more? Of course not! Hades was a scary man, but Nyssa was truly someone to be feared when you mess with her children.

"The poor lad was running and fell." Kovu lies when he noticed that Hades wasn't speaking. Nyssa looks at him, not sure if she should believe him. Something was definitely off. "He must have been looking for you and when he saw us he sorta tripped on his feet."

"Sorta?" Nyssa questions his wording. He nods and reaches over to grab Inizio's tiny hand. Inizio latched onto it and didn't let go. Nyssa looks at Hades for any kind of hint that something was up, but Hades simply goes along with it and nods. Not wanting to get into it, Nyssa turns and walks away with Inizio. Hades rocks Hadie in his arm, feeling just a tad bit safe. He looks at Kovu and Kovu looks back. They glare at each other but didn't say another word.

Kovu follows Nyssa and muttering with heard before the front door was heard open and shut. Hades walks to Nyssa to find her alone sitting on the couch with no Kovu in sight. He left.

Hades sits next to Nyssa as she has Inizio on her lap playing with a stuffed toy. Inizio looks up to Hades and begins to whine and squirm his way out of Nyssa's arms. Inizio now standing, waddles away from Hades.





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