magnolia •five

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(Four years and twelve months of the Isle of the Lost)

I cried over a trash bin.

I didn't want believe the state I'm in right now. Vomit was about to fill the bin and all I could do was remember that night over and over again. After that night and a cup of black mud coffee, Hades told me that no one must know what we did. He didn't want to lose Mal over this mistake.

Mistake. That's what he called it. I was that mistake and now I'm left alone and pregnant. But no one must know. If Hades wants to keep this a secret then so be it. I'll hide my condition from everyone, including him. It was all I could do.

I wasn't doing it to be heartless, but I just couldn't let Mal grow up without a father. It—it was for the best.

The only ones I told were my mother and sisters, who have sworn that they wouldn't say anything. I haven't told them Hades was the father and I'm not going too. The next person I told was Calista, Hook's wife and my best friend. There was no other person I could trust more than her.

I hid myself away, told everyone I had taken Inizio and gone on vacation. Mother confirmed my story to anyone curious. Really, I had hid in my house. Any knocks on my door, I didn't answered. My thoughts only returned to that night. Hades' mistake and my misfortune.


Nyssa had woken up at seven in the morning with a killer headache. She rubbed her head and went to stand so she could find any food to eat. She couldn't move, that's when she noticed she was naked and an arm was slung around her, holding her in place. She looked to see who the arm belonged to and she saw Hades, naked with a blanket covered his lower half.

Memories of the day before returned to her. She got drunk and so did Hades and they slept together.

They. Slept. Together.

Nyssa was snapped out of her thoughts by the sounds of a babies crying. She removed Hades's remove away and grabbed her clothes. She put them on and quickly went upstairs to calm the children down.

Mal and Inizio stood, holding themselves on the bars of the cradle. Nyssa smiles at the babies and pick them up.

"Why are you crying? Are you hungry?" Nyssa asked them softly. They yawn and stare back at the woman. "I'll get you some bottles in a minute."

Nyssa laid them back down and left to the kitchen. She avoided waking Hades up and made two bottles of baby formula. She creeps back upstairs and fed, burped and changed them before settling them down to play.


It was ten in the morning and Hades had woken up was a killer headache himself. He looks down to see himself naked as a newborn baby. His memories flowed back to him. He slept with a beautiful woman. No one, especially Maleficent, must now.

How could he let this happen? The minute Maleficent let him back in his daughter's life, he messes it up by having great sex with a woman he considers his friend. His only friend.

Hades got dressed and heads upstairs, knowing that Nyssa must be there was the children. He cracks the door open. She stood there, cradling Mal in her arms and singing a little lullaby. It was an all too familiar sound, since Nyssa sings it to all the children she watches over. A music box played as well while she sang, so when she put Mal down for her nap, she let the box keep playing in the background

Hades only wished that Maleficent was like this. Nyssa turns around and walked towards the door and found Hades waiting. Nyssa froze up and stares back. Finally gaining the courage to move, she walks out the door and shuts it quietly.

"Coffee?" Nyssa offers and quickly walks away to Hades to make some coffee. Hades followed after her.

Nyssa moved around the kitchen not staying still for a second and feeling awkward about it. Since Hades couldn't get her to sit or stand still he starts to speak.

"What we did was a mistake, alright? This will never happen again. I wouldn't lose my daughter for a stupid mistake like this and if you anyone, I'll make sure you regret it." Hades saw her flinch and felt bad.

It was the only way to protect her and her family, by keeping her away from him. Nyssa finally stops moving. She didn't turn around to look at him, most because she didn't want him to see the tears falling. Hades walked away and upstairs to collect Mal and her things. He had to go.

His wife waited at home for him.


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