magnolia •eight

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(Same day)

Calista left my home with an easy mind. I had offered to go with her to make sure she got back safely, but she refused. I was now left with my sons, Mal, Carlos De Vil, cousins Jay and Jade, and Evie. Nothing went wrong, except maybe Jay somehow sneaking out of the playpen, but other than that, it was all okay.

I noticed how Carlos would always start crying at the sound of barking outside. It was difficult to calm him down and I would have to drown out the barking with me sing a song. Lucky he'd sleep for a while.

Evie, Mal, and Inizio play together and Jade does her best to escape to pen. Nyssa also had to put Jade in the center of the pen and watch her crawl back to the edge, witch she found funny.

Night came and as always, Mal was the last one left. Cruella De Vil and Grimhilde both came together since they had ran into each other at the her mother's salon. Jay and Jade were picked up by Jafar's sister and Jade's mother, Nasira. I had Mal sat on a high chair and fed her when I heard a knock on the door. My first though had been Maleficent.

"Looks like your mother's here." Nyssa says to Mal softly and picks her up. Nyssa opens the door and froze. Instead of Maleficent, it was Hades wearing a huge grin on his face. Mal giggles at the sight of her father and reached out for him.

"Aren't you going to let me in?" Hades asked Nyssa. Nyssa stares at him, not saying a word. The only sounds there was, was of the babies. Mal shifted in Nyssa's arms and tries to give free.

Nyssa walks away from the door and goes to the playpen to put Mal down with the others. Hades, uninvited, walks in and shuts the door.

"Did you, uhh, do something different here? It looks different." Hades asks as he notices Nyssa's attitude towards him.

"No, it's the same as when you were last here." Nyssa answers not even looking at him. She makes sure Hadie was out of site from Hades and puts him in the cradle away from the God.

"I-uhh started a business. Hades' Souvlaki. If you ask nicely I'll invite you over, free of charge." Hades says.

"No thanks." Nyssa answers back, once she made sure Hadie and the others were alright. She picked up Inizio and Mal and brings them out of the playpen.

"A friend of yours told me you were sick, how are you feeling?" Hades asks sitting down, plopping his feet in the table. Nyssa immediately pushes his feet off and places Mal on his lap.


"That's good. Are you and him a thing?" Hades asks immediately.




"Are you just gonna answer with one word?" Hades asks, eyeing Nyssa as she is feeding Inizio.


"Did I do something wrong?" Hades asks in desperation. He didn't like how she was give him the cold shoulder. If it was someone else he would have roasted them by now, but this was Nyssa Tremaine. Beautiful, beautiful Nyssa.

"You should go before it gets late. Your wife won't like it if you spend too much time here."

"You didn't hear? Maleficent and I—" He was cut off by the sounds of baby crying. Hades looks around confused, but as Nyssa stands and walks to the pen, he notices a baby wrapped in a dark blue blanket. Nyssa rocks the baby back to sleep.

"What's with the baby? Where did it come from?" Hades asks.

"It's my son, I adopted him a while ago." Nyssa tells. Hades stays silent, trying to sneak a peek but Nyssa shielded the view.

"What's his name?" He asks. Before Nyssa can come up with a lie there was a loud bang at the door. She put Hadie down carefully and walks over to the door

Outside was a gruesome being standing there.

"I'm here for the child, Mistress Maleficent ordered me to bring her back." This voice was low and raspy.

"But the fa—" Nyssa looks towards Hades who shook his head no and shushed her, saying that he wasn't there. Nyssa looks back at the being outside. "One moment."

"I said now!" It yells, pushing the door back open. Nyssa grabs the vase by the door and holds it up to hit the being.

"And I saw one damn moment. Do not mess with me." Nyssa says with a growling tone and shuts the door. She looks at Hades and doesn't wait for him to explain himself. She grabs Mal careful and any other stuff brought with her and opens the door again.

The being takes Mal and the other things.

"Try to force yourself in my home again and I'll skin you alive." Nyssa threatens. It only nods and leaves. She closes the door carefully and looks at Hades.

"So, I left Maleficent for good this time." Hades informs like it was no big deal. Nyssa stands there in shock.

I don't know if it was a big joke or a present from so God that heard my cries. I felt happy, yet selfish about the situation. Maybe, just maybe I have a chance.


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