magnolia •twelve

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(Same morning)

She woke up to the sound of something hit floor and a HELL following after. Nyssa groans and keeps her eyes closed. She felt a poke on her face.

"Ma... ma... mama." She hears babbling. Nyssa opens her eyes to find Inizio laying his head right in front of her, trying to get on the couch. Nyssa smiles at her baby and picks him up to lay him on her chest.

"How long have you been awake?" Nyssa asks, not expecting a response. She tiredly sits up and stands up with Inizio in her arms. Another loud bang comes from the kitchen. Nyssa looks at Inizio playfully. "Who is making all that noise? Who?"

"Da..." Inizio responses and points to the sound. Nyssa froze in place and stares at Inizio, wondering if she heard correctly. Inizio sticks his tongue out and blows raspberries. Nyssa kisses the side of his head and walks to the kitchen.

Hades stood in the middle with an apron on and cut up a squishy tomato. He hasn't noticed Nyssa and continues to cut up food. Nyssa looks around for Hadie, but he was no where to be found. She walks up behind Hades and taps him shoulder. Hades, out of reflex, grabs Nyssa's wrist and pulls her to him chest.

Realizing who it was, Hades smirks and kisses to top of her forehead. "Morning, sunshine."

Nyssa steps back and switches Inizio to her other hip.

"Where is Hadie?" Nyssa asks.

"Napping." Hades points to the other room. "Gave him a bottle, but it was difficult to put him to sleep."

Nyssa nods and adjusts Inizio.

"I know. I want to say that maybe starting to teeth, but he's still too young." Nyssa murmurs. Hades wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her in again.

"Well, he is a demi-god. It's probably just speeding up the process." Hades replies. The corner of Nyssa's mouth raises. She likes how Hades gives off little mentions that Hadie is his son. It was a nice feeling.

She turns and walks out.

"He cries a lot. I hate to see him in pain." Nyssa murmurs and goes to Hadie. He was asleep in his little bed with the soft melody of the mobile playing.

"I'm making souvlaki." Hades calls. Nyssa sets Inizio on the couch with his books and picks Hadie up gently. She sat down next to her oldest son and watches as he opens up a book and points to the pictures. Inizio looks up at his mom and points at the book repeatedly. It was a picture of the sun and it fascinated him.

It was such a shame that the sun hardly ever shone on the isle. Then Nyssa would have gone out more with the boys. Hadie twitches a bit in his sleep. Nyssa rocks Hadie gently and hums softly.

In the kitchen Hades finishes up putting a stick through some surprisingly well meat when he hears soft humming following by singing.

So this is what makes life divine
I'm all aglow and now I know
The key to our heaven is mine

He peaks out from the kitchen to see Nyssa holding the boys in her arms and she rocks them side to side. Hadie was still fast asleep and Inizio was standing on the couch and leaning against Nyssa to be face to face. He bumps his head with hers and throws his head back dramatically. Nyssa rubs her noses on Inizio's cheek making the toddler giggle.

My heart has wings and I can fly
I'll touch every star in the sky
So this is the miracle that I've been dreaming of
Mmm mmm mmm
So this is love

Hades wipes his hand on his pants and walks over to sit down. He takes Hadie into his arms, allowing Nyssa to have Inizio on her lap. Inizio sat happily and chews on his knuckles. They sat quietly. It was calming. Hades doesn't remember the last time he ever had a moment like this with his ex-wife and his Mal. There was always a fight going on.

But this, this was peaceful. Him with his son, the mother of his son, and a step-son. Every day should be like this.




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