Chapter twenty-eight ✿

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I went to hide behind a dresser with teruko when the demon hit its I, and I teleported to a different room, just me though, not Tanjiro or Teruko,

"Tanjiro!? Zenitsu!? Fuck.." I said, Walking around the part of the house I teleported to, I heard faint footsteps getting louder and louder, so naturally, I hid, well, Behind a corner but same thing,

A demon turned around the corner, It had red hair and three long scratches along its left cheek, it had three drums attached to it, but it didnt seem like it was the most dangerous there,

"Great, just perfect" I whispered under my breath,

I drew my sword, holding it forward as I walked around the hallway cautiously, "Hola, bitch" I said as I cut both of its arms off, landing backwards on my feet,

The demon made eye contact with me, and hit the left drum, which flipped the room left, but I figured that out too late, as I landed straight on my back, coughing out blood. "Shit.." I whispered under my breath

"Listen buddy, ill give you this, that was a good move, but...not good enough" I said getting up,

The demon started hitting all of the drums randomly, and I was nailing dodging all of his attacks until he hit the middle drum, which is one he hasnt pressed yet, and before I could react, the claw clawed through my leg. Not fully through, but about a quarter way.

'Damn it..that hurt like hell..' I thought, but no way I wwas gonna let that demon kill me,

Water breathing..

fourth form...

Striking tide!

And with that I started slashing and slashing, not necessarily paying attention but knowing I was doing some damage, but the demon threw me back with a hell lot of force, and I slammed against the back wall, getting the air knocked out of me,

The demon started flipping the room in all directions, and I definitely broke a couple bones,

"Nice try." I said, panting getting up and cutting off the demons legs, immobilizing the demon, "Any last words?" I said,

It just stared at me angrily, "Whatever, dont care anyways." I said while walking towards it, about to slash its neck- "Wait! Wait, wait."

I paused "Ugh, what?" I said,

"Just..tell my brother I love him.." It said

"Whos your brother?" I said

"Hes the owner of this place, looks like me, but with black hair and five drums" he said,

"Hmmm, fine." I said, when it grew its legs back and clawed my leg halfway through, I immediately slashed his neck, Falling to the ground and screaming because of the pain.

Then I saw Tanjiro run through the door, "Y/n?! Where are you! Y/n! There you are!" he said, he looked down at my leg and noticed the giant cuts, he looked back at my face, putting his hand on my cheek and wiping the tears away,

"Hey, hey..It will be okay, I'm just gonna bandage up your leg alright?" He said, to which I nodded,

He started wrapping the bandage around my leg, and I screeched, "Y/n I need to do this or else it will get infected or you'll loose too much blood." I nodded

"Okay, im done now" he said, making eye contact, we sat like that for what felt like hours, when suddenly, I wrapped my arms around him, "Thank you.." I muttered into his shoulder

"No problem.." he said, stunned by the sudden contact

"Lets go..." he said, standing up to leave, I tried to get up, but falling back down in the process,

Tanjiro looked back down at me, "I can carry you.." He said, But I just stared at the ground, I felt him pick me up, kinda like a princess carry,

But when he opened the front door the first thing we saw was boar kid beating up zenitsu, yelling things like "Dont be a coward, draw your sword and face me!"

"Tanjiro...That box, I protected told me..this was more important to you..than your own life, thats why I did it.." Zenitsu managed to get out, Tanjiro just stared at him with a shocked expression, "Slay all day bae" I said,

"You idiot! AFter all that bluster, you wont even bother to draw your sword!? If youre a fellow demon slayer, then lets see you fight!" boar kid yelled, tanjir got more and more angry by the second,

"If youre not gonna fight, then get out of my way!"

Boar kid continued to kick zenitsu to attempt to get him out of the way, "fine then, if all youre gonna do is keep me from doing my job, than you leave no choice then to take you out along with that box!"

"Stop it!" Tanjiro yelled just in time so boar kid didnt stab zenitsu.


Word count: 816

✿ Rose petals (Tanjiro Kamado x Fem! reader)✿Where stories live. Discover now