Chapter twenty-four ✿

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"You know, I didn't like the idea of that spell at first, but she still seems to have a will of her own so-" Tanjiro says, being vut of by Miss Tamayo crying

"I- AH! I'm so sorry! Nezuko! Get away from her! You're being very rude!" Tanjiro Ushered

"Uhm, Miss Tamayo, Are you alright?" I asked

"Thank you, thank you so much Nezuko.." Miss Tamayo said, The three of us seeming to calm down at the sight,

"Yushiro and I will be leaving this region, weve gotten too close to kibutsuji now, Its far too risky to stay here, we need a new place to hide. Besides, I think ive hidden my identity, but after treating so many humans, im sure some of them figured out im a demon, children and the elderly are especially perspective." she looked back up to make eye contact with us,

"So Tanjiro"


"To protect nezuko, would you like us to take her with us when we go?" MIss tamayo asked, Yushiro clearly was not ecstatic about this, both Tanjiro and I's eyes widened. 'They wanted to take Nezuko WIth them?'

"Obviously I can't promise her safety, but I believe she'll face less danger then she will in battle"

'Shes right...but, I think Her and Tanjiro would be more comfortable with her here, but its not my decision to make.'

I look over to see Tanjiro deep in thought. Nezuko took a hold of his hand, making him turn to face her, he seemed to understand the point she was trying to get across because he turned back to miss tamayo,

"Miss Tamayo, thank you for your concern, BUt, Nezuko is staying with me. Nothing's going to break us apart." Tanjiro said,

"Yes, I understand, well, I wish you good fortune" Miss Tamayo replied

I found myself admiring the relationship between the two, it really makes me miss Sabito.


I hugged sabito, not letting go if it meant I would die.

'Don't go! It's dangerous!' I cried,

Sabito knelt down to my level, wiping the tears off my face, 'I'll be back, y/n..I promise.'

'Pinky promise?' I asked, reaching out my pinky


-End of flashback-

"n../n..Y/n???" Tanjiro said, snapping me out of my thoughts,

"Oh- yeah sorry! What?" I asked

"Nothing you just zoned out" he laughed

"Alright, we will be leaving as soon as we cover our tracks. You should get moving aswell" Yushiro said, turning away

"You're right, and good luck. Thank you for everything you done for us." Tanjiro said, I nodded

He turned to me and Nezuko, "Lets go Nezuko, Y/n", nezuko started running off

"Hey! That doesn't mean you need to run!" Tanjiro said, I let out a small laugh, chasing after her.

Third person p.o.v

Nezuko and Y/n ran off, Tanjiro was about to go after them when

"Tanjiro!" Yushiro yelled, making Tanjiro stop and look, Yushiro looked at the wall, "Your little sister, and your friend..I guess they are beautiful.." This made Tanjiro smile


Word count: 510

A/n: This chapter was a bit short but i'm finally finished the Asakusa Arc :D

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