chapter two

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I got home from school and noticed loads of broken beer bottles shattered all over the kitchen floor. I look around, but there is no sign of my dad. I rush up into my bedroom but unfortunately slip on the stair case and fall into the pile of broken glass. I feel pain trough out my back. I try to get up but fall down instantly.

I just lay there. Pain taking over my body. I then suddenly get a call on my iPhone. I know I'm not as rich as I used to be when my mum was around, but I got the phone when I turned 15 from my friend Jasmine. She is gaining a lot of trust from me. She knows alot about me too. Except what happens at home.

I pick up my phone and check caller ID:

Unknown Name


I pick it up and answer.

"He-hello?" I ask in a shaky voice.

"Hello, is this Lily Patriks?" The male voice says with an irish accent.

"Eum...yes, thats m-me." I respond still nervous and shaky.

"This is Paul, Paul Higgins. I work for One Direction." The man who appears to be Paul says on the other line.

After hearing that I hang up my phone and rush into my bedroom. So many thoughts roaming thru my mind. 'How did he get my number?' 'How does he know me?' 'What did he want?' I rushed into my bathroom and take off my shirt examining my back in the mirror. I have cuts every where. I look down and notice a puddle of red liquid which apparently is blood surround my feet. I grab a towel from the cabinets behind me and wipe up the mess. Suddenly I hear a loud bang coming from down stairs, along with a few swears.

"Lily Nicola Patriks! Get down here immediately!" I hear my father shout from down stairs.

I grab a clean shirt and rush down to see what I must have not done.

"Why is there glass every where? It's your responsibility to clean this house! Why wasn't it done?" My dad screams in my face. I can smell alcohol on his breath.

"I'm sorry" I mumble.

Before I knew it, I was thrown against the kitchen cabinets and got my head banged against them. I felt a loud pound in my head. Only one thought came into mind: I need to leave!

I squirmed out of my fathers reach and ran out the door. I ran as fast as I could. Not wanting to return to that horrid place I'm obligated to live at. I check my phone for the time. It read 8:27pm. I'm thankful for keeping my phone in my jeans pockets! I run a bit further then come across a red light. I wait for the light to indicate the little walking figure before running off again. Suddenly everything goes black.



So that was chapter 2! How was it!?? What do u think will happen to Lily??




Love you guys!!!



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