chapter seventeen

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••••••••••••••••Lily's POV•••••••••••••••

After explaining to Liam what actually happened to Harry, everyone was in hysterics. Well everyone but Harry of course.

When we all settled down, Niall asked;

" Not to be rude, but why are you here Lily ? "

Just as I was about to speak, Uncle Paul walked though the hotel room door. He greeted us and asked us how our morning went. Louis told him how we poured water on Harry and my uncle was just dying of laughter, but soon became serious.

Everyone was going into the living room so I followed them in. As I go to sit on the couch, it hit me that I have school today.

"Uh uncle Paul..." I started to say.

"Yes Lilipop?" My uncle answered.

''I have school today and I would need to get back home..." I was saying until he cut me off.

"This is your home! Well not really, but it is until we get to London in three weeks!" He said excitedly.

"Wha-what?" Me and Niall said at the exact same time.

"You're too young to live alone. This morning when you were all asleep I went down to sign papers that now I'm your official legal guardian." He said proudly.

"I still need to get to school!" I said.

My uncle handed me a bag with some of my clothes in it and I headed to the bathroom to get ready. I was going to get detention for being late but whatever.


I walked into my history class and everybody was staring at me. I handed my excuse to my teacher and took my place at the back of the classroom.

As always, I did my work in silence and blocked everybody else out. All I could think about was my future. I'm going to be living with my uncle and five guys... Every sluts dream! I chuckled to myself about that thought and continued my work.

At lunch time, I decided to eat outside, under the big oak tree me and my old friend Austin used to sit at every lunch time. Austin was my best friend. Until he committed suicide. His parents got a divorce and he blamed himself for it. We were 13 at the time, so two years ago. I miss him a lot. He was really the only one that knew me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Nia, Avril and Mai.

"Pathetic little whore." Nia said while walking past me with her clique.

Yes I know, that was only three words with two very hurtful words within that one sentences. I just sat there. I thought about every moment of my life... my mom leaving, my dads breakdown... everything.

That's when I lost it. I let the tear on my cheek continue its stroll while I took the cafeteria knife to my wrist.

The cold metal pierced seven layers of skin... I watched as my blood trickled down the side of my wrist.

I put the knife into my purse and wrapped a napkin around my wrist. I made my way inside the bathroom at school and cleaned up the remaining blood on my wrist. That's when I noticed I carved an "I" and an "A" right next to the "L"...


I am sooo sorry ! I made you guys wait over a month for that ! I'll try to update within 3 days !

And OMG 2.9K ?!!!!

I love you guys !!



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