The story is about Pandav Nandini Suthanu whose parents were taken away from him at the age of 5. It's about the daughter who met her parents after 13 years just to lose her life this time.
This story speaks of the pain and agony that the Pandavas...
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Ashwatthama sneaks inside the pandavas camp killing every soldier that tried to notify the warrior and tried to stop him. Kripacharya and Kritvarma were stopping soldiers from escaping.
First aswathamma went to Panchal family camp and killed Swet and Sikhandini or Sikhandi while they were sleeping. Then he went towards Dristdyumna and stabbed him in his abdomen.
"Drupadputra, I will take revenge from you for killing my father. See around, your brother are dead. Soon you will die. And then I will kill your favourite nephews and niece and your sister will die from shock. "Aah! He moaned in satisfaction as Dristdyumna quickly lose blood slowly dying in his arms. "You evil Aswathamma, you are a coward that's why you attacked when everyone is asleep. At least let me die like a warrior. Pass my sword. I want to die with my sword in hand like a warrior" But aswathamma didn't listen and stabbed him in his chest killing the Veer yoddha, Drupadputra Maharathi Dristdyumna.
After brutally massacring the Panchal royal family along with the few soldiers guarding the tents, he went towards the Vijay shivir. There he met Kritvarma along with Kripacharya who gave him a small vial with a crystal blue liquid inside. "Here it is what you wanted. This will slowly kill her by organ failure. First minor organs then major organs. And this poison will spread through her whole body as time passes." Kripacharya explained him as horror crept on Kritvarma. He saw Kripacharya bringing the vial but now he understood it contained poison to kill his dear niece Suthanu. But his oath was prohibiting him to object the harsh truth. "How much time will it take to kill her"Aswathamma asked Kripacharya. "Minimum 1 Muhurat(1 hour) and maximum 2/3 of a prahar(2 hours) without treatment. Only the aswineyas have the treatment to this." An evil smirk grew on aswathamma's face as he went towards the Vijay shivir