Repeating History Is A Pain In the Ass

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"Well, the streets are empty where we used to run, and the cars are all on fire

Yeah, we fall like leaves in the Garden of Eden, Eden

I remember how it felt running in the sun when I heard the ancient choir

In the dead of night like an angel singing, singing

And time doesn't love you anymore

But I'm still knocking at your door"


Derek heaved frantically with a frazzled look on his face, as he stumbled back and braced himself against the metal table. "Derek? Derek, are you alright?" Deaton inquired worriedly. "I think- I think I- I need... oh, shit!" Derek stammered, his grip on the table going slack as his knees buckled beneath him. Deaton quickly intervened and caught the young (older-ish?) werewolf before he completely collapsed on the ground and helped him get on top of the table.

"Easy, Derek. Calm down," Deaton requested. "You seem to be going through some type of shock, you need to breathe slowly." All the while as Deaton spoke, Derek sat on top of the table staring at the floor muttering under his breath. Derek's mouth was moving too fast and his voice was too quiet to make out all of the words, however, that didn't stop Deaton's eyes from going wide when he heard Derek say the words "dead", "La Iglesia", and "time travel".

"Derek, are you alright?"

"Deaton," Derek started shakily, "I don't know how possible this is, but..." "But what?" Deaton pried. Derek took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders back to steady himself, before saying, "I'm dead. Or at least I was dead. I'm not sure how this all works."

"You're not sure how what works? Why do you think you died?" Deaton interrogated. "Well, that's the thing. I was dead and then I wasn't. Then somehow, I woke up in a motel here in town approximately two years before I died with all of my powers back," Derek rambled. That's when Deaton finally pieced together what the young wolf was trying to say.

"Of course," he nodded. "Time travel."

"Wait, time travel?" Derek balked. "As in Marty McFly in "Back To the Future"?"

"Well, maybe not exactly like that, but yes," Deaton retorted with a hint of a smile. "You see time is an important aspect of nature, and nature and magic have always worked in tandem with each other. Especially, in cases when you have a fairly strong supernatural entity residing in an area that has been permeated by magic. However, when you break the rules of nature through supernatural means, it can trigger a reaction that can either positively or negatively affect the individual who caused it."

"What if the person was supernatural and they were used to break the rules of nature?" Derek pondered, remembering the moment when Kate ordered her Berserkers to trap him in that sarcophagus. "How do you mean?" Deaton queried. "In my... time, I guess, Kate Argent became a were-Jaguar and created these things called Berserkers, and ordered them to trap me in a tomb in the Temple of Tezcatlipoca which ended up turning me back into a 16-year-old boy."

"Are you talking about the Temple of Tezcatlipoca in the old Mexican city of La Iglesia?" Deaton questioned, snapping Derek out of his reverie. "You know of it, don't you?" Derek asked knowingly. "Only through legends of your family," Deaton answered. "My family?" Derek puzzled.

"Yes. Back when you're mother first began her evolution into a true shifter, she came across some old journals that were written by Amaya Hale, your grandfather's mother and the Alpha at the time, describing the transition from man to beast and beast to man," the druid explained. "Within that same journal was a brief synopsis of how your family originated from the city of La Iglesia almost 160 years ago. I would have to do more research, but from what remember of the journal entries your mother showed me, the city of La Iglesia has long been rumored to be an epicenter of supernatural and otherworldly occurrences."

"Well, Kate reversed time through me and made me a teenager, which somehow triggered my werewolf abilities to weaken. When I died in La Iglesia, I was a full fledge human," Derek confessed. "Would that be enough to break the rules of nature and trigger a break in the space-time continuum? Turning a natural-born were into something they're not, and then killing them in the same place they were de-aged?"

Deaton furrowed his brow and folded his arms in concentration. "I'm not sure, but given the amount of history your family has with that place and the fact that the Hales have one of the strongest supernatural bloodlines in the world, it is entirely possible that nature was trying to correct itself by sending you back in time to save your bloodline."

Derek groaned and shook his head. "Okay, fine. But... wait a second," Derek paused. "How many hours ago did you last speak to my sister?" "About three hours. She said she was going to go check out the area where the deer carcass was found out on the Preserve," Deaton informed. The werewolf's eyes went wide, and with a sudden burst of energy Derek jumped down from the table and bolted past the animal doctor and left the clinic to try and save his sister, leaving Deaton to question what to do with this new dilemma that had been dropped on his lap.

God, repeating history was such a pain in the ass.

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