The Ties That Bind

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"Unholy war!

My demons are coming

Boy, you better run

Go take your freedom (FREEDOM!)

Wade in the water

Be gone by morning

Don't you let them find you here, oh, no!"


Beacon Hills High School. Of course, the person Deaton sends him to for help is at Beacon Hills High School. And here Derek was hoping he could avoid running into his old friends just a little bit longer.

With a sigh, Derek put on his shades after parking his Camaro in the parking lot and started walking toward the building. As he went by, he noticed that some people, mostly the girls, stopped to stare at him, which only made him more uncomfortable.

Just a little further. Derek thought.

However, his internal words of encouragement did nothing to tame the voices of the teenagers gawking at him. But then, two voices drew his attention in the crowd, and he turned to see Scott and Stiles talking to each other by the front entrance a few feet from where he was standing. "So, what did your Dad say about you going out in the woods last night?" Scott asked.

"Well, naturally he was pissed off that I was listening in on his dispatch calls. Surprise, surprise," Stiles replied. "Anyway, I'm more concerned about what attacked us in the woods."

The minute those words left Stiles's mouth, Derek's body went rigid.

"Yeah, don't remind me. I scheduled an appointment to get a rabies shot this afternoon," Scott sighed. "Sorry that we never got to find the body." Stiles waved his hand dismissively in the air, saying, "Right about now, I'm just lucky to be alive after we got attacked by... whatever the hell that thing was."

"You still think it's not a wolf?" Scott chuckled

"I know it's not a wolf, Scott," Stiles retorted. "Not unless someone secretly released them back into the wild."

"Dude, I heard it howl. What else could it have been?" Scott reasoned.

Stiles paused for a moment to think before saying, "I don't know, man, but I know for certain that it wasn't a wolf." Without saying another word on the subject, Stiles and Scott walked into the building, and Derek watched them as they went somberly.

After what he's gone through in the last 12 hours, what with dying, traveling through time, seeing his sister again before subsequently killing her to prevent Peter from becoming the Alpha, and having freakish nightmares about turning his two best friends- but he would never admit it- into werewolves, all Derek wanted was to throw his pride out of the window and embrace his best friends. But he couldn't. Not until he knew what was going on with his mind.

And who knew how long that would take?

* * *

Getting past the administrators was way easier than it should have been. Then again, this school has never had the best security, much to his Pack's detriment, more often than not.

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