New Alliances

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"We'll never get free

Lamb to the slaughter

What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?

The price of your greed is your son and your daughter

What you gon' do when there's blood in the water?"


The instant Scott was back in the confines of his own house, he darted upstairs to his bedroom and slammed the door, leaning against it and breathing heavily. Sweat dripped down his face, as the full moon glared through his window causing his body to burn up intensely. As fast as he could muster, Scott rushed into the bathroom and tore off his shirt before turning on the faucet to the shower and plopped down in the bathtub right under the cold stream of water. 

The cool water flowing down his body gave the boy a pleasant relief from the burning agony he felt earlier. However, just as he was beginning to feel like whatever was wrong with him was diminishing, a loud grating sound of something scraping against metal struck his eardrums, making him flinch and cover his ears. When the ringing in his ears finally ebbed, he brought his hands away from the sides of his face and gasped in horror at his nails growing into claws.

Quickly jumping out of the bathtub, Scott rushed over to the sink and splashed his face with water. But when he looked back up in the mirror, he was appalled by the way his face had morphed and shifted. His puppy brown eyes turned a frightening shade of yellow as his canine teeth sharpened to a point. 

Out of nowhere, the loud sound of someone slamming through his bedroom door jolted him from his reverie, eliciting a predatory growl from his throat. "Scott, it's me!" Stiles announced, his voice a lot gruffer than it usually was. Warily at first, Scott eased into a defensive but still non-threatening stance, and said, "Stiles?" The other teenager nodded. "Scott, listen to me, we have to get out of here before the moon takes us over completely," Stiles grunted. 

"What the hell is happening, man?" Scott groaned. 

"I already told you! Now come on we have to go somewhere that we can't hurt anyone," Stiles snapped. 

"Like where?" Scott argued.

As if on cue, they both heard the sound of a wolf howling in the distance a turned to face the window depicting the window rising above the treeline of the woods. "Okay, look, Scott, all we have to do is get through tonight and then we need to figure out a cure for this," Stiles growled anxiously, barely keeping his wolf at bay. 

"No, what about Allison?" Scott expressed worriedly. "We need to find her! I think she's in trouble." "What, no we don't, okay? She's fine. I saw her get a ride home from the party when I went to go find you," Stiles replied. 

"No, Stiles, don't you get it? It's Derek!" Scott raised his voice. "He's the werewolf. He's the one who killed that girl, and he's the one who bit us!" Stiles gulped as he remembered the odd feeling he picked up from Derek both times that he met him. And that's when he realized... "Scott, Derek's the one who drove Allison home from the party."

*                              *                             *

"So, how long have you been living in Beacon Hills?" Allison chimed as Derek drove her back to her house. Derek glanced at her out of the corner of his eye briefly before saying, "I was born and raised here for most of my life." "Most of your life?" Allison queried. Derek gripped the steering wheel tightly with his left hand. "Yeah, uh... when I was 16, my sister Laura and I moved out of Beacon Hills and went to New York City for a while. This is the first time I've been back in almost six years," he elaborated. 

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