There's Something You Need to See

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"Welcome to your life!

There's no turning back,

Even while you sleep.

We will find you actin' on

Your best behavior.

Turn your back on

Mother Nature.

Everybody wants to rule the world!"


She was restless. From the second she made it safely inside her family's new house, she was set on edge. She vaguely remembered her mother briefly asking her how the party was and she's pretty sure she said it was fine, but her mind was racing so fast that she may not have said anything at all. All she remembered was rushing upstairs to her room and locking her door before she got dressed into some pajamas and tried to get some sleep.

*                               *                             *

On Saturday morning, she got up, got dressed, grabbed her car keys and her purse, and headed out of the door, only stopping to say goodbye to her parents as she walked out the door. “Whoa, sweetheart, where are you going in such a hurry?” her father asked, looking up from the newspaper he was reading in the living room. “Oh, uh, I'm just going to meet up with my new friends Lydia and Jackson at this cafe downtown to have breakfast,” Allison stammered out, trying not to act suspicious. “Is that okay?” 

Her father stared at her analytically before smiling kindly at her. “Of course, it is. The whole reason we moved here is so that you could make some new friends.”

“And get a proper education,” Victoria chimed in. 

“Yes, that, too,” Chris chuckled. “You go have fun with your friends, okay?” Allison nodded and smiled tightly before shuffling out of the door. 


Allison arrived at the cafe five minutes before Derek did, and once he showed up, a cute blonde waitress who looked to be in her early twenties led them over to a booth and asked them what they wanted to drink before handing them a few menus and leaving them to make their decisions. “I brought it back,” Derek said randomly, even as his eyes were trained on the menu. Allison glanced up in confusion. “What are you talking about?” she inquired, awkwardly. 

Instead of giving her a verbal answer, Derek set his menu down and grabbed her jacket from off the seat, and held it up so she could see it. “Oh, right,” she nodded in remembrance, as he handed it back to her. “Thanks, I guess.” 

“You're welcome. Now, let's cut to the chase,” Derek huffed. “I promised to give you answers. But there are a lot of those, so I'm gonna ask you what you want to know about specifically before I just start rattling things off to you.” Just then, the waitress returned with their drinks, saying “Are you two ready to order yet?” “Uh, not yet. A few more, please?” Derek asked. The waitress smiled and nodded before walking off again.

“Okay, well, you gave me a lot of information the night before, most of which I either disregarded because I thought you were crazy or didn't fully understand because I was scared out of my mind,” Allison said once the girl was out of earshot. “So let's start with Scott being a…” “A werewolf,” Derek finished. “Right. You said that he was bitten by an Alpha and that Alphas are the only ones who can create new werewolves with their bite, yes?” Allison continued. “Yes,” Derek answered. “And you also said that Stiles was also bitten and that you are an Alpha,” she said. 

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