How Much of History is the Same

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"All gone is here today,

Finding room to breathe.

Go on beyond your way,

And see.

And though, the sounds of someday may be home!

And though, the sounds of someday may be home!"


It didn't take long for Derek to fill Deaton after he arrived at the clinic. The druid had just finished up with a client when the Alpha had barged in and informed the older man of what he learned from Deaton's sister. "So, the Alpha Spark has been split between you and Peter, and now you two share a psychic connection?" Deaton surmised.

"Yes, although, I'm not sure how strong the connection is, seeing as how I just experienced it for the first time. Plus, I was too worried over the fact that your sister said I would die if I didn't rejoin my Spark with its other half," Derek huffed. "You know, just the usual death threats that come along with gaining a new power boost."

"Well, hopefully, this one won't result in you dying a second time," Deaton remarked. "Though, I imagine it should be a great help now that you know what you're dealing with this time around, even though some things have changed."

Derek nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it definitely helps to know the future, but that also means that certain things are out of my realm of control," he stated.

"You mean Laura?" Deaton replied somberly.

Derek's expression darkened as he folded his arms across his chest. "It still happened," he mumbled. "Even though I stopped Peter from killing her, she still died. Only this time it was because of me." The Hale Alpha exhaled deeply and lowered his head. "I should have killed Peter before he ever laid a hand on her, but I..." he scoffed, "I wasn't strong enough."

Suddenly, Derek felt a gentle but firm hand being placed on his shoulder and looked up to see Deaton giving him a sad but stern look. "Derek, I am sure you did everything you could to save your sister and I'm sure she knew it, too. She also knew that one of you was going to be able to stop Peter and rebuild your Pack, it was going to be you," he asserted. "And even though it hurts right now, you have to keep it together if you're going to stop Peter for good this time."

"It's not just Peter that we have to worry about," Derek cut in, causing Deaton to tilt his head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Derek prepared himself to lay out all of the information to the Emissary- well, almost all of the information- about their current situation, before saying, "When I went to the school today, I saw Allison Argent, which means her father is already in town again after hearing about the weird shit going on around here, including the recent death of my sister. And if Chris Argent is in town, it won't be long before the other members of his family show up again."

"Again? You mean, this has happened before?" Deaton asked.

Derek nodded, "In my timeline, the Argents were a constant thorn in my side for practically a year before I made an uneasy peace with them. Most of that is because Peter killed Kate Argent." Just saying her name made him cringe in disgust, and Derek had to force himself not to shudder as images of him being chained up and at her mercy seared his mind.

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