Cry Bloody Murder

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Stiles burst through the door of Scott's house and was barely able to close the door behind him before he made a mad dash for Scott's room upstairs. "What did you find? How did you find it? Where did you find it? And yes, I already tried taking my Adderall today and my new wolfy metabolism burned right through it," Stiles heaved all in one breath. "I found something at Derek Hale's," Scott answered as he finished stitching up the net in his lacrosse stick.

"Are you kidding? What?" Stiles asked.

"There's something buried there—I could smell blood," Scott replied.

"THAT'S AWESOME!" Stiles exclaimed, before catching himself. "I mean, that's terrible. Who's blood?"

"I don't know, but when we do, your dad nails Derek for the murder. And then you and I figure out a way to play lacrosse without changing. Because there's no way I'm not playing that game," Scott decided. Stiles paused for a moment, giving his friend an odd look. "Okay, Scott, even though I think Derek Hale is a psychopathic murderer, I still don't think it's a good idea for us to play tomorrow. I'll help you bring Derek down, but I'm still not too keen on turning our high school into a murder field," Stiles stated. "Fine, whatever," Scott waved off.

*                              *                              *

Later that night, Stiles and Scott went to the hospital to see the other half of the body that was locked away in the morgue to see if it matched the scent of what Scott smelled earlier. Once they were in the hospital, Scott went to the morgue to scent the body while Stiles waited awkwardly in the waiting area.

Just then, Stiles looked over and saw Lydia sitting in one of the chairs off to herself. He looked around for any sign of Jackson and when he did see him, he began to make his way over to Lydia to try and talk to her. After all, when was he going to get another chance to talk Lydia while she was alone?

However, just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, his enhanced hearing kicked in and he heard another voice talking to Lydia. It was then that he realized she was speaking to someone on her Bluetooth and he let out a disheartened sigh before walking back over to one of the other seats to wait for Scott grumbling sarcastically at the person who was talking to Lydia.

Damn it! Another time, perhaps.

*                              *                              *

Meanwhile, Scott was creeping down the hallway toward the restricted area of the hospital to get to the morgue, avoiding, the residences of the hospital as best as he could without looking suspicious. When he finally made it to the morgue he peeked inside the window before opening the door and locking it behind him once he was inside. Almost immediately, his nostrils flared in disgust as the pungent odor of dead people filled his nose.

Despite this, he carried on until he found the unmarked container with the other half of the unknown girl's body. When he opened the container, Scott covered his mouth in an attempt to stave off the wave of nausea that threatened to overtake him. He checked the tag to see if it was the correct body and once he did, he quickly pushed the container back in and closed it before scrambling out of the morgue.

*                              *                              *

Back in the waiting area, Stiles watched as Jackson walked over to Lydia who immediately got up to check on him. For the most part, Stiles tuned out their conversation as he did not have an interest in it nor did he want to hear or see them flirting intermittently. It was actually a great relief when Scott returned from the morgue, although, Stiles did scrunch up his nose slightly at the faint odor of death lingering around his friend.

"The scent was the same," Scott said.

Stiles jumped up from his chair in excitement. "Wait, seriously? Are sure?"

"Yes, Stiles, I know what rotting meat and blood smells like," Scott retorted. Stiles shook his head and rolled his eyes at his friend. "Scott, that's not what people actually smell like," Stiles chastised. "Did you get her personal scent?" Scott's face twisted into something akin to horror and disgust, as he said, "Dude, she's dead. That's wrong."

Stiles grumbled in exasperation before saying, "Okay, firstly, that is so not what I meant, dude. E veryone has their own personal scent. You know, something that's unique to them?" Scott gazed at his best friend with a perplexed expression, clearly not understanding what the hell the other Beta was talking about.

Realizing that this was getting them nowhere, Stiles steeled his nerves for what was about to come next. "Okay, change of plan. You head home and focus on something besides this and I'll get her actual scent," Stiles stated before heading off in the direction of the morgue, muttering about how he never thought he would have to say some of the things he just said.

"Wait, but what do I focus on?" Scott called after Stiles.

"I don't know," Stiles shrugged. "Focus on how you're gonna woo Allison or something, come up with a game plan. Just don't do anything stupid until I can confirm that Derek had something to do with that girl's death." Then with that, he left to go smell a dead body. Wow! This was not at all how he imagined his teenage life going.

It didn't take him long to sneak into the morgue, and once he did, it only took him slightly more time to hone in on Laura's actual scent. Once he had peeled back the heavy aroma of blood and rotting meat, Stiles was able to sniff out the scent of sunflowers after a fresh summer rain, lemon, maple, and... leather, and forest pine? That was odd. Stiles covered the body again and closed the metal container once more as he tried to remember where he had smelled that scent before.

And that's when it hit him.

Then as quickly as he could, Stiles ran out of the morgue and sprinted out of the hospital to get to his Jeep. Then he started up Roscoe's engine, and zoomed off in the direction of the preserve.

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