Dude, I'm Telling You, We're Werewolves!

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"You could try and take us

(Oh! Oh!)

But we're the gladiators

(Oh! Oh!)

Everyone a rager

(Oh! Oh!)

But secretly they're saviors

Glory and gore go hand in hand

That's why we're makin' headlines

(Oh! Oh!)

You could try and take us

(Oh! Oh!)

But victory's contagious"


Later on, the next day on Friday after practice, Stiles immediately went home and rushed upstairs to his room and shut the door. Then he pulled out a bunch of books that he checked out from the school library from his backpack, along with his laptop computer, and began searching for more clues, evidence, and research about Lycanthropy. He switched back and forth between scrolling through the Internet and flipping through the stack of books he had at his disposal, finding a plethora of information ranging from the creation of the first werewolf Lycaon to the origin of the use of wolfsbane to legends about silver and how it was used to kill werewolves. 

There was so much information and so little time to comb through it all, and even more critical was discerning which information was fact or fairytale. Hell, up until a few days ago, Stiles had thought all of it was a fairytale, but as it would turn out, he was dead wrong. Still, he carried on. After all, some information is better than none. However, seeing as tonight was the Full Moon, Stiles was hoping to find more useful information, because he'd rather not lose control and rip his father to shreds. Losing one parent was enough.

Just then, a knock on his bedroom door, disturbed his thought process, making him nearly jump out of his chair in alarm. Cautiously, he set the book in his hand down and closed his computer, before getting up from his seat and creeping towards the door. In a blur of motion, Stiles wrenched the door open, revealing the chipper form of Scott, causing the skinny teenager to sag his shoulders in relief as the tension slowly left his body. Unfortunately, not all of it dissipated as Stiles remembered that he wasn't the only one who got bitten a few nights ago.

“Dude, get in, you gotta see this thing,” Stiles ordered. Scott smiled good-natured and did as he was told, as Stiles quickly shut the door behind him once Scott was inside the room. “I was up all night reading and today after practice I came home to do some more— websites, books. All this information.”

“How much Adderall have you had today?” Scott chuckled.

“That's the thing!” Stiles jumped up. “I literally took the entire bottle in less than an hour, and it didn't affect me at all.”

“What?” Scott puzzled. “That's weird.”

“Yeah, that's not the only thing that's weird,” Stiles huffed. “Check this out.”

“Wait, is it about the body, did they find who did it?” Scott cut in.

“No, they're still questioning people, even our conveniently new assistant coach Derek Hale,” Stiles replied. “Yeah, that is kinda weird, but hey, it's a small town,” Scott shrugged. 

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