Bad Blood

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He was anxious. His back was rigid and his knuckles were ash white from how tightly they were curled around the steering wheel, staring out at the open road through his red gaze. Just then, a familiar scent struck his nose, causing him to bristle. He turned his head to the side and was met by the sight of Allison Argent sitting next to him. "Are you okay, Derek?" she asked.

Derek? Why the hell would she call him Derek? Granted his nephew was prone to bad decisions when it came to getting involved with Argents, but... "Yeah, I'm good, Allison. I guess I'm just worried about how this is gonna turn out," he heard himself say in the younger Alpha's voice.

That's when he realized. The reason she was calling him Derek was because she was talking to Derek. But the part he couldn't understand was how he was— the Alpha Spark. Of course!

The night Laura died, he felt an agonizing pain in his head that spread through his entire body. He had assumed that was just a part of the transformation process of becoming an Alpha. However, since then, he has felt an emptiness within him, like, he was missing something integral that had been ripped away.

And now he knew why.

Peter and Derek now shared the same Spark.

*                            *                            *

It was only when he heard the sound of a car parking outside the hospital and heard the faint voices of Derek and Allison that Peter realized they were coming to the hospital. And unless they knew some other patient, they had to be here to see him. But the question is why?

Why would Derek risk getting himself and Allison killed? Why risk losing the other half of the Spark?

Unless he was trying to prove a point. And if that's the case, then what was it?

"Peter?" Derek spoke up as he entered the room, snapping Peter out of his thoughts.

The hairs on the back of Peter's neck stood up as he smelled the faint scent of wolfsbane and wildflowers waft into his nose. Allison. He sneered. His nephew must have either been extremely naive or incredibly cunning to have brought her here. And judging by how intermingled their scents were and how the young girl practically clung to Derek as they walked further into the room, Peter was betting on the latter.

Despite being unable to move due to the numbing medication his nurse gave him earlier, he wanted to roll his eyes. After all, leave it to Derek to get in bed with an Argent.

"I know you can hear me," Derek said. "I know that you're angry about everything that's happened, and I know you want revenge. But it doesn't have to be this way."

The older Alpha wanted to snort at the younger wolf's naivete, and quite honestly put off by Derek's calm demeanor. He was expecting his nephew to have a much more... passionate disposition towards him after what happened in the woods a few nights ago.

"Are you sure he can hear you? He looks catatonic to me," Allison began uncertainly, pivoting backward to stand near the entrance of the room.

Surely, you don't think I'm that catatonic if you're still hovering near the door. Peter huffed inwardly. Although, it's not like he could blame her. She was simply looking out for her own self-interests, despite not knowing that he truly was in no position to harm neither her nor his nephew.

Damn his nurse Jennifer!

"Oh, he can hear us. He's either just choosing to ignore us, or somebody made him temporarily catatonic," Derek scoffed, without taking his eyes off his uncle. "Listen to me, Peter, I don't want us to be enemies, but I also cannot allow you to run amok killing whoever you want. So either this whole feud between our family and the Argents ends now, or else, the next time I see you roaming outside this hospital with hostile intentions, I will put you six feet in the ground. You already owe me a life debt for what you did to Laura, so don't... Push... Me!"

Behind Derek, Allison gazed intently at the Alphas who were now engaged in a battle of wills. Well, at least one of them was from what she could see. However, deep down, she felt like Peter was listening to every word that Derek had spoken. Then, in a movement that shocked both Allison and Derek, Peter's empty gaze, which had been focused on the floor tiles, flitted up to meet theirs.

Allison jumped back slightly, nearly bumping into the doorknob to avoid Peter's lifeless glare while Derek furrowed his brow and let his eyes flare red in a warning.

If it hadn't taken all of Peter's remaining energy to muster up some sort of glare at the duo standing before him, the older Alpha would be snarling like a rabid dog (no pun intended). The Argent girl was afraid of him, which was good, if not expected. However, the reaction he drew from his nephew was far more irritating. How could he stand there and defend this Argent brat after what her family did? How dare he even consort with her, let alone bring her here OF ALL PLACES!

And then he has the gall to show up and talk about how he only wants peace, before subsequently threatening to murder him if he steps out of line.

He seethed inwardly. The audacity.

Derek quelled his Spark for now and stepped back from Peter's wheelchair before saying, "Alright, well, I think we're done here. Let's go, Allison." Then he turned on his heel and led the young huntress out of the room and as far away from Peter as he possibly could.

But even after they had left, the younger Alpha's words stuck with Peter, echoing in his mind. Taunting him.

This was not over. In fact, it had only just begun.

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