My Crush's Dad Is A Werewolf Hunter

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Scott slowly walked into the boys' locker with a dazed expression on his face, not paying any attention to the other lacrosse players whooping and hollering as they left to go out onto the field. Once he got to his locker, he dropped his duffel bag on the floor and removed his jersey, and leaned back against the cool metal while his mind scrambled to come to grips with what had just transpired minutes ago.

Stiles took notice of his friend's behavior as he was getting ready for practice and went over to check on him. "Hey, Scotty," he said as he approached. Scott said nothing and continued to look off into space with a disturbed look in his eyes. "Did you apologize to Allison?" Stiles prompted.

"Yeah," Scott mumbled.

Stiles huffed softly, but at least he had gotten him to speak. "Is she giving you a second chance?" he asked.

"Sort of," Scott replied.

Great! He went from one-word answers to two-word answers. Stiles thought. "What do you mean sort of?"

"I mean she forgave me for what happened at the party, but... she doesn't want to go out with me romantically," Scott explained dejectedly. "She told me she's not looking for a relationship right now, but she still wants to be friends."

Stiles cringed sympathetically. After all, he knew all too well what it was like to be friend-zoned or even downright ignored by the girl he liked. "Well, on the bright side, at least she doesn't hate you, and, even better, she still wants to associate with you. I mean, for guys like us, that's like a dream come true," the teen werewolf responded encouragingly. "And who knows, maybe you two can eventually get together after you become friends. Reportedly, romantic relationships that begin as friendships are more likely to stay together. So, everything's good."

"No," Scott mumbled.

Stiles frowned in concern. "No? Why "no"?"

"Remember... the hunters from last night?" Scott gulped. "Yeah, how could I not? We both got shot in the arms and then Derek had to save us," Stiles replied.

"Her dad is one of the hunters," Scott stammered.

Stiles nearly tripped over his own feet in shock. "Wait, what? You said her dad...?" "Shot me... with a crossbow," Scott whimpered.

"Wait, Allison's father?" Stiles parroted.

"YES, HER FATHER!" Scott shouted. From there, Scott went into panic mode. "Oh, my God. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!"

In response, Stiles reached forward and slapped Scott across the face with his gloved hand. "Hey, Scott, snap back. Okay, look, it's okay, alright?" he reassured after his friend calmed down. "Look, he didn't recognize you, right?"

"No. No, I-I don't think so," Scott stuttered.

"Does she know about him?" Stiles interrogated. The minute the words left his mouth, Stiles knew he made a mistake, as a whole new wave of fear and uncertainty washed over his best friend.

Scott's eyes blew wide in horror. "I-I don't know. Oh, my God! What if she does?"

"Hey, hey, hey! Buddy, look at me, okay? Listen, just focus on lacrosse, okay?" Stiles replied anxiously, as he forced a lacrosse stick into Scott's hands. "Here, Scott, take this. And your jersey, and just focus on lacrosse for now, okay? That's all you gotta do. Now, let's go!"

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