Second Time's A Charm

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"I have a heart, I swear I do

But just not, baby, when it comes to you

I get so hungry when you say "love me", if you know what's good for you

I think you're hot, I think you're cool

You're the kinda guy I'd stalk in school

But now that I'm famous, you're up my anus

Now I'm gonna eat you fool!"


Later that night, Scott and Allison arrived at Lydia's house which was overflowing with teenagers. After getting past the front door, Scott and Allison made their way through the crowd, into the backyard, where most of the fun seemed to be happening. 

Meanwhile, across town, Sheriff Stilinski had just left to go work his night shift at the station, leaving Stiles to panic over how to best protect himself and others. However, as he ran about grabbing the spare pair of handcuffs that his dad always kept in the house and tried to find a long piece of rope (note to self: next time you turn into a bloodthirsty monster during the full moon, stop by Ace Hardware beforehand.), he stopped abruptly in his tracks and doubled over in pain.

His blood boiled within his veins and he could feel his bones beginning to morph and shift ever so slightly as the full moon neared its zenith. He was turning... and there was no way to stop it. And if that wasn't bad enough, he knew he wasn't the only one going through this. 

Despite going through his own struggles, Stiles knew that he needed to find Scott and get him away from everyone at that party before something bad happened.

About an hour had passed since they arrived at the party, and Scott and Allison were dancing the night away. Then after the song ended, Allison wrapped her arms around Scott's neck and pulled him closer to her, and leaned in for a kiss. It appeared like everything was perfect. Until it wasn't.

Out of seemingly nowhere, Scott gasped harshly as a sharp pain shot through his abdomen and spread throughout his entire body. Allison scarcely pulled away from him and looked up at him with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked. 

"I'll be right back," he groaned, pulling away from her completely and stumbling off back toward the house. Confused and slightly put off, Allison followed after him. He pushed past the hordes of teenagers as his pulse became increasingly more intense, and his vision became blurry.

After what seemed like forever, Scott finally managed to get out of the house and stagger over to his car, and drive off, leaving Allison perplexed and more than a little pissed off by Scott's sudden disappearance. 

"Hey, Allison, right?" came a familiar voice. The brunette whirled around and came face-to-face with the badass, sexy supermodel that was Derek Hale, who was approaching her casually with a charming smile on his face. "You're the new girl, if I'm not mistaken," he noted. "I'm Derek, I'm one of Stiles and Scott's friends." 

Allison immediately remembered the older boy from yesterday's practice and how he seemed to know the boys and the coach, and gave an awkward smile. "Yeah, I saw you actually the other day at the tryouts," she remembered. "That's right, yeah. I was, um, I was actually talking to Coach Finstock just to catch up, and that somehow ended up with me becoming his new assistant coach," Derek explained with an amused smile.

At this, the young Argent perked up with interest. "Did you ask him for a job?" she questioned. "No, he practically forced me into it, but I don't mind," Derek answered. "But anyway, are you okay? You seemed a little distraught when you came out a second ago." "Oh, yeah, it's nothing," Allison waved off anxiously, as she folded her arms loosely. "It's just... Scott asked me out to the party, and then he ditched me. He just drove off right when I came outside."

"Did something happen?" Derek inquired, his face morphing into one of concern. 

"Yeah, it was really weird. I mean, we were dancing and just having a good time, and then, he kind of doubled over and rushed out of the house," Allison huffed. "And now I don't have a ride home. So, that's great."

"Well, if you want, I could take you home," Derek offered. 

Allison gazed at Derek analytically before saying, "Really?" 

"Sure," he shrugged, before quickly adding, "but only if you are okay with that." 

The teenager smiled genuinely and nodded, as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Yeah. Thank you."

Derek inwardly relaxed and tensed up all at once. The first time he had done this he should have made an effort to befriend her more. Maybe then she wouldn't have been so adamant about trying to kill him. But as the old saying goes, "second time's a charm." 

With a nod, Derek and Allison walked across the street to where Derek's Camaro was parked. Once he had made sure that Allison was situated in the car, Derek got in on the driver's side and drove off from Lydia's house. 


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