When It's All Said And Done

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"We all are living in a dream,

But life ain't what it seems

And everything's a mess!

And all the sorrow I have seen

They lead me to believe

That everything's a mess!

I want to dream, I want to dream!

Leave me to dream!"


The boys didn't get back to Scott's house until three in the morning and by the time they snuck into his room all they were able to do was crash. "So, I'm not the kind of person to say I told you so, but..." Stiles trailed off with a sigh. 

"Yeah, yeah. I get it," Scott groaned, as he collapsed face-first into his pillow. "So what now?" 

"Well, we get some rest, and then we find out how the hell Derek Hale knows where you work and possibly stop him from killing your boss," Stiles yawned, situating himself on the bed. 

"I can't believe it," Scott groaned. "This can't be happening right now. And the worse part of all this—" "Scott, if you say it's Allison, I will fart on your pillow," Stiles grumbled.

"She probably hates me now," Scott moped. 

"Ugh! I doubt that, but you might wanna come up with a pretty amazing apology," Stiles replied. "Or you could just tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness that you and I are friggin' werewolves." Scott nudged Stiles with his leg and harrumphed sleepily in response. 

"Okay, bad idea. But hey, we'll get through this," Stiles consoled. "I mean, if worst comes to worst, we'll chain each other up on the full moon and eat live mice out of a doggy bowl." A rumble of laughter escaped Scott's lips, as he exhaled deeply. Stiles cracked a smirk of his own, and the two werewolves drifted off into a deep sleep.

*                              *                              *

Meanwhile, at Deaton's house, Derek had just finished catching the Druid up on everything that happened. "Well, it seems like you've had quite an eventful evening," Deaton noted. "Yeah, and tomorrow is probably gonna be more intense," Derek huffed.

Deaton furrowed his eyebrows. "How do you mean?" 

"I need your help to explain some things to Scott and Stiles so that they can start to trust me," the Alpha remarked. "The last thing I need is for them to keep fighting me like last time. And they trust you. Or at least Scott does." Deaton sighed and nodded in agreement, "Alright, fine. I'll help you convince them, but I need to know what all you plan to tell them."

"Not about all of the future stuff, if that's what you mean," Derek retorted. 

"No, it seems you are telling Allison Argent of all people about the future," Deaton snorted. "Are you sure that's wise?"

"Probably not, but if there is one thing for certain that I know about Allison, she values honesty and integrity above all else," Derek responded. "And she may be unnerved by the concept of werewolves and the fact that her soon-to-be boyfriend is one, but she'll appreciate being in the loop in the long run." 

"And she'll appreciate that you were the one who told her despite your families' mutual history," Deaton said pointedly. "Very smart. If she doesn't end up like the rest of her family."

Derek frowned at Deaton's last statement. "Now I'm starting to see the old you peeking through." Deaton chuckled wryly. "Even so, there is still a chance that she will decide to become a hunter like her other family members. She could use this new information to try to kill you and the boys," he lectured.

"No, she won't," Derek countered. 

"How do you know?" Deaton asked.

"Because... she's different than the rest of her family. She's better than them," the werewolf reaffirmed. "I've seen it." 

Deaton pulled his lips together in a thin smile and clasped the side of Derek's arm gently. "I still don't know all of the details for why you're back here, Derek, but I do know that Nature willed it so," Deaton began. "This is your chance— your one chance— to make things right for yourself and your Pack. You won't get a second chance, so you have to be sure about the decisions you are making and think about the consequences of each one. Do you understand?" 

Derek clenched his jaw. "I understand," he nodded. "And I know that this is the right move."

"Okay, then," Deaton said. "So what's next?"

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