He's the Alpha Now

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"Welcome to my darkness, I've been here a while

Clouding up the sunlight, hurting for a smile

Or something, but something always turns into nothing

Oh, I'll drain your life 'til there's nothing left but your bloodshot eyes

Oh, I'll take my time 'til I show you how I feel inside

Welcome to my dark side!"


Derek ran hysterically through the Preserve searching for any sign of his sister. "Laura?" he cried out as he paused where he was standing. "Laura, are you out here?"

Oh, please, God, not again. Don't let it happen again. He prayed, as his mind raced with thoughts of his uncle ripping her to shreds.

His uncle. Of course.

Derek let out a deep breath, then closed his eyes and used his senses to pick up Peter's scent. When he finally found it, Derek snapped his eyes open and they glowed a dangerous shade of blue. Then he darted off deeper into the woods, following his uncle's scent until he came upon the burned-out husk of his childhood home. It was then that he heard a voice that he never thought he would hear again.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?" he heard Laura's voice echo through the canopy of the forest.

"Laura?" Derek croaked, as his eyes welled up with tears. Laura turned to look in his direction and looked slightly relieved to see her little brother. "Oh, Derek, it's just you," she sighed as she walked up to him. Derek entered the clearing and nearly collapsed at the sight of his sister alive and unharmed. "Derek, are you okay?" she asked, her blue eyes narrowing in concern. Derek just continued to stare at her with tears in his eyes and a whirlwind of emotions plastered on his face.

"Laura," he whispered again. She was about to ask him if something was wrong again when they both smelled a familiar scent in the air. The two wolves looked to their side and saw Peter standing rigidly with a blank expression on his face as he gazed at the ground. "Uncle Peter?" Laura questioned, treading closer to the older werewolf. "What are you doing out here?"

All at once Derek snapped out of his haze and grabbed his sister, pulling her away from their uncle just as Peter was about to attack her. However, he pulled her back with so much force that they both stumbled over each other and fell to the ground. "Peter, what the hell are you doing?" Laura yelled, after she ducked out of the way of Peter's claws.

"That's not Peter, Laura!" Derek snapped, getting to his feet and extending his claws. "Not anymore." Not waiting for a response, Derek lunged at his uncle, claws, and fangs on full display as he slashed up his uncle's spine and kicked him in the chest. Peter roared angrily, grabbing Derek by the neck with one hand and swiping his claws across Derek's face with the other. Then he slashed his nephew's torso, before throwing him onto the steps of the house.

"NO!" Laura screamed. Then she, too, shifted, letting her fangs drop and her eyes glow a dangerous shade of red, as she ran at Peter and attacked him ferociously. She hacked and slashed at her uncle's side, then she kneed him in the abdomen making him crumple to the ground.

Once he was down, Laura rushed over to her brother and checked over him to make sure he hadn't sustained any serious injuries. "Derek, are you alright? Are you hurt?" she panicked. Derek groaned groggily and nodded, "Yeah, never better. Just get me up so we can get the hell out of..." Just then, Peter came up behind Laura, now fully transformed into his monstrous Wolf form, and plunged his claws into her back piercing her heart. Laura let out a choked out scream as she went down, and Derek watched in horror as his sister gagged up her own blood.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to dwell on it as Peter turned his focus back on him and went in for the kill. Derek barely maneuvered himself out of the way, as the hulking behemoth's clawed hand slammed down on the rickety steps of their house. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Laura shift onto her side and spit out another glob of blood. Relief flooded his chest as he scrambled to his feet. She was alive, but not for much longer if he couldn't get them out of there.

In a desperate attempt to save himself and his sister, Derek ripped off a charred piece of wood from the railing and jammed it into the monster's abdomen, twisting it until it splintered and came out the other end of his body. Then he darted over to his sister while Peter was busy trying to claw the stake out of his stomach and picked her up and ran as fast as he could into the forest.

* * *

Derek was completely out of breath by the time he stopped running, and his legs were aching and his arms were trembling as he struggled to stay standing. Still, he pushed on despite his own injuries and forced himself to keep moving. "We're almost outta here, Laura," he grunted. "Just hang on." Meanwhile, Laura only seemed to be getting worse, as her wounds continued to gush with so much blood that Derek was sure his hands were drenched in it.

"Der--Der...ek," Laura gasped brokenly. "Stop."

"No. I'm gonna get you back to Deaton and he can... AH!" Derek winced, as the pain in his chest finally overtook him. He and Laura crumpled to the forest floor in a bloody, wounded heap.

"Derek, you're hurt," Laura rasped.

"I'm fine," Derek wheezed. "I just need to... Catch my breath, and then, I can get us both out of here." Laura let out a painful chuckle and said, "Derek, look at me. Peter impaled me through my heart, and slowed down my healing process. You can barely run on your own, let alone while you're carrying me."

"I'm not leaving you behind, Laura!" Derek snapped.

"Derek," she started.

"NO! I'm not losing you again," he declared. "I can't."

"DEREK!" she growled, as her eyes flickered between Alpha red and her natural blue. "When I die, the Alpha Spark has to go somewhere. And since Peter is the one who struck the blow that's killing me, it's gonna go to him." By now, the tears he had been holding back were streaming from his eyes. "No, we can still fix this, I can still fix this. Please let me fix it?" he cried.

"Derek, please, I don't have much time left. I can already feel the Alpha spark fading," she labored. "You have to take it before Peter does."

Derek's glassy eyes widened in dismay. "Laura, no. No! I can't. I won't."

"Derek, it's the only way. Take the power of the Alpha from me, and use it to stop Peter. Save yourself," Laura begged, her voice thick with emotion. "Strengthen our Pack." The moment those words left her mouth, Derek was reminded of what Deaton had said to him back at the clinic. "It is entirely possible that nature was trying to correct itself by sending you back in time to save your bloodline."

He knew what he had to do. But could he bring himself to do it was another thing entirely?

The Beta scrunched his eyes closed as a distant howl pierced his ears. Peter was closing in on them. He was going to finish the job and take Laura's power. Unless Derek stepped and did what needed to be done. But how could he? Taking the Spark from Peter was one thing. He actually deserved it. Taking it from Laura? That would be as painful as when he killed... as when he put Paige out of her misery.

"I'm sorry," Derek sobbed. Laura nodded swiftly as she cupped her brother's face. Summoning all of his remaining strength, Derek groaned as he shifted them so that she was sitting upright against his chest. "Just remember something, little brother," she sniffled softly. "I'll always be with you, no matter what."

Not trusting his voice, Derek planted a chaste but emotional kiss on her head and plunged his claws deep into her chest, holding back a broken sob as she took her last breath.

It was over. His sister, his Pack was dead.

He was the Alpha now.

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