Dream Beautiful Dreams of Bloodcurdling Screams

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"Wake me up

Won't you wake me up?!

Caught in a bad dream

Caught in a bad dream!"


By the time Derek returned to Deaton's office, the police had already been dispatched to the Preserve. This time instead of a couple of joggers calling the cops, it was Derek.

He knew despite feeling the power of the Alpha flowing through him, he still felt... incomplete. It was as though the Spark within him was only half-formed.

Derek pounded on the back door to the clinic when he was suddenly overcome by a severe migraine. He let out an agonizing, almost violent howl, as black spots danced across his vision and they intensified until he blacked out. When he opened his eyes again, his vision was clouded in a red haze. However, he could still see clearly that he was back in the woods. In the distance, sirens from the police cars blared in the distance followed by a faint barking of the K9 police dogs the cops had brought with them.

Derek let out a feral growl and leaped on all fours to get closer to the sound. He needed a Pack. And the only way to build his Pack was to give the bite to as many people as possible. As he stalked through the woods he could faintly make out the voices of two individuals talking as they trudged through the woods.


He crept closer to get a better whiff of their scents. Both of them had great potential, and they would make strong Betas. All it would take was one bite. One bite and they would be his.

"Right, because sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," the voice of one of the individuals, no, teenage boys, rang out.

"I'm serious," the second teenager said. "I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line."

"Hey, that's the spirit," the first boy scoffed. "It's nice to have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."

Just then, Derek stepped on a branch, making the teenagers stop and look in his direction, but he ducked behind a large tree before they could spot him.

"Stiles, did you hear that?" the second teenager whispered to his friend whose name was apparently Stiles. What the hell was a Stiles, anyway?

"It was probably just a squirrel or something," Stiles muttered. "Nothing to worry about, Scotty." The new Alpha watched as Stiles and Scott returned their focus to the path ahead, and resumed their trek through the forest.

"Say, Stiles, just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for exactly?" Scott inquired, still looking around for any signs of someone following them.

Ah, so they must have been looking for Laura then.

He had to admit, it was hard for him to tear her to shreds like that, especially after having been wounded so badly by... him. Even now he could still feel a sharp pain in his side, despite the wound healing almost instantly after Laura's death. But he would pay that treacherous Beta, no, Alpha, back in kind.

But first...

"Huh. I didn't even think about that," Stiles considered.

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