Learning Curve

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When they got out to the field, Coach Finstock was already out there putting the players into their positions while Derek stood close by watching and learning. God, he hoped that Scott and Stiles (mostly Scott) didn't do anything too outrageously stupid on the field today. Then again, Derek's luck has never been that great. And as he saw Stiles and Scott come out onto the field and make eye contact with Jackson who was glaring intently at them, he had to refrain from pinching the bridge of his nose.

Yeah, this was definitely not gonna go well.

Just then, the coach blew the whistle and all the players who were lined up took their turns trying to get passed the defensive line. One by one, each of the players went, some making a shot while others ended up getting folded like origami, until it finally got down to Scott who was, unfortunately, next in line. Through the visor of his helmet, Scott could easily make out Jackson on the other side of the field guarding the goalie in a crouching position. Taking a deep breath, Scott readied his Lacrosse stick, and charged toward the opponent's goal seconds after Coach Finstock blew his whistle. However, he didn't make it very far before Jackson knocked him on his ass. Hard.

"Ooh, ouch!" Stiles winced, eliciting the same reaction from the other players on the field. Meanwhile, Derek who had been standing off to the side watching the scene unfold, sneered in annoyance at his former Beta's petty behavior.

As the others reacted to Scott's collapse, Scott groaned painfully as Jackson stood over him with a smug look on his face which only served to make the werewolf angrier. So angry in fact that Derek could sense the change in his chemosignals from across the field.

"You sure you still wanna be First Line, McCall?" Jackson smirked.

"Oh, God," Derek grumbled, as he focused on trying to get Scott's attention without being too loud. "Scott, calm down and breathe. If you get too upset you could trigger your change and—" Derek was cut off by the sound of the coach's whistle blaring loudly, making him and the other werewolves cringe.

"McCall! What the hell was that?" Finstock shouted as he stomped over to Scott, who was struggling to get to his feet. "My grandmother can run faster than that and she's dead. You think you can move faster than the... lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

"Yes, coach," Scott mumbled, his eyes glowing gold as he glared daggers at his rival.

"Scott," the Beta heard Derek say in a warning tone. "Don't do this. Control your emotions."

"I can't hear you," Finstock goaded.

"Yes, coach!" Scott snarled, as his inner wolf fought to break free and take control.

"Then do it again," Coach Finstock ordered. Then he stood straight up and looked back at the rest of his students. "Everybody, McCall's gonna do it again. McCall's gonna do it again."

By now, Scott was too far gone, his rage consuming him to the point of awakening the beast within its cage. And Scott looked about ready to unlock it and let the beast run rampant. Even if Derek could get through to Scott, he wasn't going to risk exposing himself or the others to do it.

"Stiles. Listen to me," Derek whispered to other Beta, gaining his attention. "Derek? What is it?" Stiles asked quietly, lowering his head slightly so that people wouldn't notice him talking to himself essentially. "Scott's about to snap and lose control, but he won't listen to me. I need you to get him to calm down before he wolfs out and kills Jackson," Derek responded. The teen wolf let out an audible snort, drawing the attention of some of his teammates behind him in the line. He cleared his throat awkwardly and waited for them to stop looking at him weirdly before saying, "You're asking me to save Jackass Whittemore?"

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