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(I'm sorry if your name is Gabby)

"That's what I was telling her!" Alice exclaimed. You and Alice were walking to the roof for lunch together. She was telling you about an argument that she had with her cousin yesterday.You were at the top of the stairs and pushed open the door in front of you. You squinted as the sunlight burned your eyes.

You and Alice walked up to the group of guys sitting on the ground. "Hey" You said sitting between Mikey and Frank. "Oh my god you won't believe what we had to do in math!" Frank said loudly. Everyone looked at him except for you, you were looking at the guys around you. Something was different. Something was missing, No. Someone was missing.

"So I said-" "Where's Gerard?" You cut off Frank. He shot daggers at you, and you just smiled which made him chuckle. "I'm not sure, he said he was going to be a bit late." Mikey said, you nodded and looked at Frank, waiting for him to finish. He understood what you meant and continued his story.

                                            -Time Skip-

You were about 15 minutes into lunch when you heard a door open. Everyone turned around to see Gerard walking over to you, looking slightly tired. "You alright" Ray asked as he sat down across from you. He nodded and drank what you presumed to be coffee out of a travel mug. Just at that moment the rooftop door swung open revealing, Gabby, The leader of the cheer team?

"There you are Gerard!" She huffed. Gerard closed his eyes and groaned. She walked over to the group behind Gerard. "Why did you ignore me in the hall?" She put her hand on his shoulder. He quickly moved out of her grasp by standing up. She looked up at him "What is your problem!!?" She whined. Gerard glared at her and left.

You awkwardly looked at everyone. "Hey, uh Gabby" Frank spoke up. She looked at him uninterested. "I don't think Gerard wants to talk to you right now" he said. She scoffed. "You don't know anything about how Gerard feels about me." She said annoyed.

Frank rolled his eyes. Gabby angrily stormed away. "Okay...." Alice said. Frank opened a bag of chips and began to eat them. "Alright, as i was sayin-"


Frank sighed. Lunch was over, everyone stood up, you all had gym now. As everyone was walking to the exit, you grabbed franks shoulder, stopping him. He turned around and gave you a questioning look. "What was that about, y'know with gabby and Gerard?"

Frank paused for a second. "They uh, used to date in freshmen year" he started. "But she cheated on him. So like a normal person would, he dumped her." He explained. You nodded "and she kind of still thinks Gerard likes her, so she hasn't left him alone since." He finished. "Oh" You began to walk to gym, frank following.

"Thanks for telling me" you smiled, patting franks shoulder and stopping in front of the girls locker room. "Meet us at the bleachers, that's where we go during gym." You nodded and walked in the girls locker room.

You grabbed your gym uniform from your gym locker. You didn't like changing in front of everyone so you went into a bathroom stall to change. When you were done, you quickly looked in a mirror near the sink. You haven't wore the gym uniform yet.

So you were seeing how it looked. It was a normal short sleeve shirt with short shorts. You groaned at the size. You weren't a fan of this. You headed outside to where everyone was for gym. You looked at the bleachers and noticed Gerard sitting by himself.

You walked over to the bleachers and took a seat next to him. "Where are the others?" You asked him."they're still changing, being slow" he looked over at you, his eyes growing wide at the sight of your uniform. His cheeks flushed red. "God, these teachers are creeps." He said, his eyes still on you.

You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, "yeah, I'm not a fan of it." You said looking away from Gerard. You heard shuffling next to you but didn't look up. "Here" You look back at Gerard to see him holding his hoodie out to you. "Oh you don't have to-"

"Take it" he shoved the hoodie into your arms. You held it out in front of you. It was a misfits hoodie. You put it on and looked up at Gerard "thanks." You smiled. "Anytime." He returned the gesture. You stared at him, observing his features. He was so..attractive.

You then felt heat rush to your face when you realized that he was staring back at you. But you didn't look away. And neither did he. You noticed him scoot a little closer to you, so you did the same. Now your legs were squished together. He slowly moved his head a little closer to you.

'Are we gonna-?' "GERARD, Y/N, SORRY WE TOOK SO LONG!" You were cut out of your thoughts by a screaming frank. You and Gerard quickly shot back away from each other. You looked over to see Ray, Mikey, and Frank running over to the bleachers. You let out a short breath and looked back at Gerard.

He was still looking at you, he seemed, disappointed? "Mikey couldn't find his phone." Ray said. "It was my locker the whole time." Mikey chuckled. Frank looked at you then Gerard then back to you. "Why are you two so red?" He paused for a second. "I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT SUNSCREEN!" he exclaimed.

You rolled your eyes,

-time skip
After class-

You were cut off by the bell, signaling the end of class, you chuckled, standing up. Everyone sighed and began walking away to the locker room, except for Frank. He looked at you for a moment.

You gave him a questioning look. "That's Gerard's hoodie." He said, smirking at you. "Yeah, I told him I didn't like the new uniform and he gave it to me" you began walking with him. "Gerard wouldn't just give anyone a hoodie. I would know. I've been his best friend for years." He said.

"I doubt it means anything." You said, walking to the girls locker room. "I'll see you in science." You smiled and walked in. You went to your gym locker and grabbed your clothes. You shut the locker and turned around to be greeted by, Gabby? "Hey y/n, I hear that you're hanging out with Gerard and his friends now?"

"Uh, yeah I guess. Why?" You asked, not wanting to engage in this conversation. "He's using you y/n, I say you stay away from him." She said cockily. "Me and Gerard aren't a thing." You clarified, walking past her. "That hoodie says otherwise." She said.

You just ignored her and walked in a bathroom stall to get changed. When you finished, you put Gerard's hoodie on over your shirt, and left for science. On your way there you ran into Alice. "You won't guess who started a conversation with me in the locker room." You said.

You quickly explained everything that happened between Gerard and gabby, and what she said to you to Alice. "GERARD GAVE YOU HIS HOODIE?!" She asked surprised. "Yes but that's not the point!" You rolled your eyes. Alice smirked at you and let out a short breath.

"Don't listen to her y/n. If you wanna be with Gerard, be with him" she said. "ME AND GERARD ARENT A THING" You blushed rushing into science class.

Word count- 1,292

Vampire Gerard Way x Fem Reader - IM SORRyWhere stories live. Discover now